32 | Fallout Marriage (fluff)

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Three months later...

"If you feel like hanging out on Sunday's night, you know where to find us." Janis gave me a hug before Damian speaks up. "I know this is new to you, but Janis and I will always have your back, honey." I force a smile when I heard the word honey, Aaron used to call me that.

A decade of marriage doesn't mean anything to someone that wants a space for a change, we won the case when the judges decided that I'm more than capable of taking care of my children and based on the evidence I provided, it helps with my case to have a full custody of my children because Aaron was always absent.

I'm not sure if it's harsh to do so, but I wouldn't want my children to be alone in his house all the time. They don't deserve that when they still have unconditional love from their mother. I wouldn't let my children to ever feel lonely in their lives.

"Cady..." Janis and Damian shot a look to Aaron when he approaches me, and I understand how they feel knowing that their friend has been betrayed by the person whom they thought was trustworthy.

"Um... This might be the last time we meet each other, or not... I just wanna say I'm sorry for everything and thank you for doing life with me before..."

"You don't need to thank me for that after you hurt me, Aaron. It doesn't mean anything..." I sign Damian and Janis to follow me, walking away from the court but Aaron is just persistent.

"Cady, don't walk away from me, I haven't finished talking!" He tries to grip my hand and I flinch at his approach, fortunately Regina just shows up from behind us and takes Aaron's wrist in her grip.

"You dare to touch her again, and I'll break your fucking hands." I know she's dead serious when she says that because she has been attempting to get close to me in the past three months, explaining that she didn't know Aaron has been selling out her name and that she only found on recently when I call her the day before the lunch we had, inviting her over while I also questioned her if she's been hanging out with Aaron a lot, apparently they did not but my PTSD was telling me not to trust any of them in the moment.

I've become clear of it all now seeing the effort she puts in helping me in getting evidence to fight Aaron in court. Janis on the other hand is squeezing my shoulders to ease the tense I feel in my shoulders at Aaron's sudden approach from behind.

She knows very well that I'm quite jumpy and paranoid lately, my moods have been spiralling in the past couple weeks at the thought of losing my children and she was there to make sure I will not and that I'll be alright. I can't measure the love I have for my friends.

"Why are you doing this, Regina? Aren't you my friend?" Regina pushes his wrist away and stand in front of me when Aaron dared to give me a disturbing look and reaches her hand out to catch my arm. I stand a little closer to her to make sure she knows I'm safe. "Oh shut up, slut."

Janis and Damian hide their laughs when Regina called him that and I can't help but shake my head at their wittiness. "I can't be friends with someone like you anymore, worried I might catch the disease. The bitch you've been fucking isn't even up to standard, I don't know what's wrong with you, Aaron."

"She's my wife, Regina. Let me talk to her."

"You had your chance, it's time to give them up... To me." I could feel her confidence boosting up while Janis and Damian gasp at that blunt confession. "Regina! What are you doing?" I whisper and she turns to wink at me.

"I got this, baby." I roll my eyes and shook my head afterwards, removing Regina's hand from me and walk away from them two. "Are you crazy?! Regina, Cady had been my wife for 10 years! You can't date her!"

"Watch me have her for 10x times longer than that– wait..."

"You would be dead before that happen."

"I know but, whatever, I can love her better than you."

"She's a single mum with two children, I don't think you can."

"Perfect, I have mummy issue. And her children fucking love me."

Janis walks me away from the yapping birdies and I can't help but sigh as I take a seat at the passanger side while we watch them two still arguing in front of the court.

"I'll see you around, babe? Love ya, Queens. Call me if you need anything!" Damian tells us over the window of his car and Janis waves him goodbye and rolls the window after. I manage to mutter a thank to him and gain a wink from him as a reaction. "Thank you for being here, Jan." I place a hand on her thigh and she squeezes my hand. "We will always be there when you need us, or when you're up for movie night."

I chuckle slightly remembering our late memories during school. "Halloween night?"

"Yes, bitch." She giggles softly before driving away. "Regina's calling me, should I pick up?" I lean my head over to her shoulder as she drives but pull myself together soon after because I don't want her to get into accident. "If you want to, you don't have to if you don't feel like it. She should be fine, it's Regina."

"You're right." I look out the window and listen to the song Janis puts on the radio. "She's been around lately and I have this special feeling towards her."

"What kind of feeling?" She takes turn at looking on the road and to me as I switch in my seat to stare at her. "Explicit feelings..."

"You don't mean– are you switching sides? Oh my God!" She smiles widely as she laughs and I close my eyes in embarassment. "Oh no... I'm too old for this. I don't think I can meet her anymore."

"Hey, it's alright to find out a bit later in life. Not to mention, any lesbian would wanna get a night with a mother. They're the sexiest women, I swear." I smack her on her arm before whispering shut up.

I even talk like her now. God, I'm in so deep.

"In case of Regina, I must say she could really show you heaven." She chuckles softly and I started to get what she meant by that. "You bang her before?! Janis Imi'ike, who would've thought!"

"It was sometime after school, we haven't even entered college at the time. It was casual." She stops at the sidewalk in front of my house and covers her lips slightly with her loose fist while she looks at me. "I can't tell the future, but once I'm in it later I'll give you a call."

"The morning after you sleep with her?"

"Janis, oh my God. I'll see you around."

She rolls out her window when I walk away and yells something to me. "She told me she really likes you, Cady. Please give her a chance, I'm going now."

I turn my back to late as she drives away and give up trying to ask her further questions. They spent too much time with me today, I guess we all deserve a break.

"Mommy, you're home!" My five-year-old daughter comes running towards me when I open the door and I lift her in my arms. Smothering her in kisses while I give a warming smile to my eight years old Michael, holding hand with their grandma.

"Mommy, can I have fish and chips for dinner?" He lazily calls out to me as he lets go of his grandma's hand and walks towards me. "Yes, sure honey. We can have your favourite for dinner okay? I love you..." I kiss him on his forehead and say my thank to mum.

"They've been wondering where you were this whole morning, so I took them out to the park to play. Is that okay, darling?"

"That's great, Mum. Thank you for sending time with Michael and Marilyn." I hug her and sob on her shoulders, sucking back my tears because I don't wanna seem weak to my babies as I pull away from mum.

"You can stay if you'd like?" I beam her a smile but she kindly refuses my offer. "I have a tea time gathering with Mrs. Jonathan next door, I'll come around tomorrow."

"Okay..." I waved her goodbye at the door and watch as my children run to hug her grandma's legs. Scrolling to my phone again, I see Regina's call is pushed into a voicemail. If you need a friend or whatever, Cady... You can always, always look for me.

"I should give her a call..."

A/N: My loves, this takes longer than I thought, do you want another chapter? Idc what you want, let's do it!

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now