34 | Request! Janis's Downfall (angst/fluff)

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Trigger Warning: Self-H! Internalised Homophobia.

Guys, please... If you are easily triggered do not read this chapter, I love you guys. Be okay, and live to the fullest you can alright? I love you all, your friends, family and whoever that loves you do too <3

It's been days that I'm skipping school. Ringing from the phone, vibrating its creeping calling throughout my bones, feeling the touch of need at the tips of my fingers to pick up and tell them that I am fine.

How do people describe fine again?

I shut out the outside world for days and nights, my parents have done their best to get me back to the personality I worked so damn hard to build. It is not as easy as that, losing two of your closest ever friends is not the most beautiful experience to have in high school.

It's different, yet it tastes the same when I was befriending Cady and Regina. Perhaps, they were right. I might be obsessed of the thought of friendship that I make everything about them is about us.

There is no us, there were never us.

I finally gain the courage to look at my phone and I'm seeing Damian's text saying he's coming over later in the evening. He's usually around during night, so I wasn't sure what time exactly is he gonna come.

"Janis, darling. Your friend is here..." I quickly pull down my sleeves in distress of the sudden news, perhaps I was mistaken the time he texted me about coming over. It's already passed school time, maybe he texted me that this morning and he meant to come after school.

But seeing how new this experience is to me once again, I am not sure if it is best for him to see me like this. "I don't wanna see anyone, mum. Tell them to fuck off!"

"But, honey. They are worried about you..." I was about to open the door of my dark room to shove them out of my house but I was taken aback by the person that's standing right in front of my room right now.

"That's not great, Jan. I came a long way for you..." The taller figure pushes me back inside and I was stumbled a few steps in, falling onto my bed. "The hell are you even doing here, Regina?" I stand on my feet as I am quick to approach her but she switches on the light that makes I shut my eyes in response.

"How have you been living these days, you look like a sad vamp." She chuckles slightly before closing the door behind her. "Why did mum let you in, she knows how much I hate you." I shot her a look as I push right through her, but she hold me back by pulling me by my arm and I twitch a little before getting away from her. "I came here with Damian, told him I wanted to see you. Aren't you thrilled? You basically confess your love to me that night at Cady's party and now you're hiding away. What are you? Coward?"

"You don't have the right to speak to me like that, Regina!" I put a grip on her shirt but she isn't surprised by it. Not even slightly intimidated, which got me irritated. "You dare to step foot inside my house,"

"I do whatever I like, you should be used by that now."

"I'm gonna fucking kill Damian!" When I was about to leave, she twists my arms and I finally at my lost. I wince loud enough for her to hear and fall on my knees, my curls covering my head as I hold the pain that comes from the place the sudden pressure is placed on the fresh scars.

"Janis, what the fuck?" Regina quickly follows to get on my level and pull my arms gently to see if there's anything wrong with me. At times like this, I can genuinely understand why she looks terrified, if something happens to me, she'd be the first to blame and I wouldn't mind that even if I won't be here to witness it later.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now