9 | Americans at Essex College (R.G x J.I.)

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A/N: Is this a Mean Girls fanfic? Yes. Do I bring plots and storyline from other movies? Yes. Should I have not? Honestly, I don't care. I just want to write what I want to write. If you haven't watched The Sex Lives of College Girls - go watch it!!! Love the roommates <3

Regina's POV

Fuck am I doing here? I should be in another house with Karen and Gretchen, yet, I am pleading my case at this office, sitting on this awfully smelly chair that might've been stained by so many strangers' butts.

I shift in my seat when the old spectacled woman in front of me sighs softly and removes her glasses as she tries to initiate the most subtle reply to me.

"Before I begin, I must say it's either your friends are assholes or you are, because they clearly don't want your presence, breathing and living in their house." I didn't expect her to drop a bomb, but what the fuck does that mean?

"You must be joking right? We are a match, like 99% a match at least because we did it together, except for the part I say I hate people that snore and specifically requested not to put me in the same room as Karen." I let out a chuckle and the woman seems amused by me.

"Honey, I saw this coming. You see, you're not the only girl that has gotten dumped on their first day at College by these so-called life lasting friends. You need to accept your fate." She snorts out a laugh and I swear I could just stab her on her belly with the ugly unicorn pen she got on her desk. "No, you look unfriendly, I bet you don't have friends except those you share donuts with for breakfast around here. I'm gonna call them-"

I pull out my phone out from my purse and push my hair to the back while I pierce my eyes towards the old lady that murmurs "suit yourself" while raising an eyebrow and continues laughing at a cat video in her phone.

But nothing pisses me more than Karen and Gretchen not picking up the phone.

"They're not answering, maybe they're busy."

"This is getting old, just- take a look dear." She puts on her glasses and moves the PC towards me.

As I read them out loud, my grips on the screen tightens and eventually the screen cracks and I could see the woman tilts her head in annoyance, "fuck they mean by 'WE LOVE REGINA, BUT DO NOT PUT US IN THE SAME HOUSE AS HER, SHE FARTS A LOT'... I do not!!!"

"Well, it means I'm taking a day off to look for new computer, and I'm putting this on your bill..." She stands up, grabbing her coat and reads my name on the letter I proposed, "Miss Regina George, thank you for agreeing to pay for a new brand computer, cuz I'm getting sick of this one. You have a nice day." She smiles happily as she gets out from the office and I scream as loud as I can in the moment, soon after, a few staffs burst into the room and I shove my way pass them, reminiscing the moment I had with my roommates this morning.

"OMG, you must be Regina!" A short brunette that has a side country style came towards me and hugs me tightly around my neck. "I'm sorry who the fuck are you?" I beamed a genuine smile at her and looked around for my friends. At first I thought it was just another extra roommate we have, but there is no we!

All I got was the brunette named Kimberly Finkle, and – a loud Senator's daughter, Whitney Chase.

"I'm sorry, but I must be mistaken... I'm gonna bring up this issue to the higherups, and see if I could switch spots with others, cuz my friends are waiting for me! Ciao baby!" I burst out of the room, pacing aggressively as Whitney's laugh and Kimberly's 'goodluck!' fade away.

I couldn't care less about the other housemate, at that moment, I didn't think I would need to meet her anyway, so why give away my time?

I'm starting to regret that now.

Janis's POV

ESSEX COLLEGE. This is it!

This marks the new start of my whole life as an artist and I'm beyond ready to see where this is going.

I registered yesterday but slept in town with my family there for the night because they wanted to spend some time with me before going back to our hometown.

Amongst my friends, only I and Cady made it to Essex College, Damien has other plan and I truly just wish the best for him.

"Hmm.. this is where we part ways, I'm gonna miss you Cady." I said, pulling her into a hug. "Gosh - Janis, don't be dramatic. Our dorms are next to each other, we can always visit." We release the hug and I fake a tear as I laugh and we promise each other to meet during lunch today.

"I'm so excited, Cady. Can you believe it we make through High School?!" I hop on my feet a little bit excited and Cady beams her teeth at me. "I can't even believe that I'm in New England! Last semester, I was barely getting used to American High School."

"You're with me now. Always." Listening to me saying that, she smiles as I pull her once again.

I notice there is a sobbing sound comes from the girl but I brush it off, letting her to warm up in my embrace. "Okay, settle in first Jan... and I see you later!" I turn toward the door when she leaves then I lift my luggages with me into the house.

"This is it!"

I knock on the door, and a statuesque blonde with long wavy hair, holding a wine bottle opens it from inside.

"For God's sake, this is not what I manifested." I say, dropping my jaw and bags on the floor.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now