13 | Ain't This Old (R.G x J.I.) + (C.H. + G.W.) §

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Just a normal typical Friday evening for American students, especially those that live in a rich neighbourhood.

Aaron's friend is throwing another party after Halloween because his parents are still out of town and he doesn't have better plan to spend his weekends.

He doesn't invite everyone though, only those around his age are welcome that night and that includes Janis, Damien and Cady too.

Chris is friendly to everyone and he doesn't mind having fun with friends he had known almost his whole entire life in high school.

Janis and Damien weren't gonna let Cady to miss the fun of being a teenager, thus they help her to join every activity that was held that night until they got upstairs and finally reach the last room located at the end of Chris's huge house.

Cady opens the wooden door to that room excitedly and gets shocked when she sees Aaron, Chris, and the Plastics girls are there playing spin the bottle.

"What're you doing standing there, come in!" Chris shouts in a distance. "Yeah, let's play Cady. Great seeing you tonight!" Aaron greets the girl while Janis is already feeling uncomfortable when she sees Regina is sitting so quietly there with them.

"I think we had enough for the night, don't we Damien?" Janis scratches the back of her head slightly before leaning against the stairs reel. "I kinda wanna pl-" Janis makes it seem like she accidentally slaps Damien on his arm and she just swirls on her feet randomly as if she's looking for the bug that she screamed was lurking on Damien's arm.

"Yea I think we should probably get home, Cady. Aren't you tired yet?" Damien puts forward, faking a yawn. "Not really, I love staying up during the night at Kenya to watch the stars." Cady smiles so innocently at both of her friends and Janis noticed that Regina whispers something to the Plastics.

Karen and Gretchen slowly walk to Damien and Cady respectively, and pull them to sit with them. "It's gonna be fun. This is a tradition that we must not skip!" Karen says as she pulls Damien that's already half excited from his own enthusiasm with this game.

"Let's find you a seat beside me okay? It's a fun game. You should try it at least once." Gretchen places both of her hands on Cady's arms and softly rub them, assuring her that everything's gonna be fine and fun.

That leaves Janis alone standing by the door, she's reluctant to move because she's not feeling safe being in the same room with the apex predator who has been staring dead into her souls since just now.

"Close the door, Janis. You're gonna invite bad energy, and all we wanna have here in this game is luck." Regina says, pushing her hair to the back and position herself better in her seat.

Janis rolls her eyes and sighs under her breath clearly as if she does meant offense to anyone that takes that personally. She knows one person though, it's the blonde.

"Aren't you a cutie?" Regina says, removing Gretchen's phone from the floor for Cady to sit beside her while Gretchen moves to another empty spot beside Cady and Regina returns her stuff.

"Shall we start, bitches?" Regina asks away. "Let's go girls, we're gonna crush this game." Damien replies, going along with her.

After a few rounds of spinning the bottle that ended up with Karen being in the bathroom with Damien and all they could hear were endless laughters and snorts sound that obviously came from Karen from not being able to hold back her laugh. It was actually cute though that Chris smiles everytime he hears it from the bathroom.

A sign of relief could be clearly seen too when he keeps her soft gaze at Karen the whole time after she comes out from his bathroom.

Next round has got the short couple to enter the bathroom, as Regina keeps leaning her head on Karen because she's bored waiting for Cady and Gretchen.

She crawls towards Aaron and sits on his lap which is a bad idea because Janis is literally next to him, bawling her eyes out and holding back her disgust from having to witness that sight.

"Get a room.. for fuck sake..."

Janis murmurs under her breath as she spins the bottle lazily waiting for the girls to come out.

"I heard you by the way. You're too loud I could even hear you when you're speaking alone like an insane person." Regina gets up from Aaron's lap and walks up to Janis instead. "Since you're already holding the bottle, why don't you spin it next Janis?"

"Sure I will, but I'm still waiting for the girls. Do you want to be forced into the bathroom with me so bad, Regina? God, you're thirsty!"

Regina hissed the girl and makes her way back to her seat which is opposite from Janis.

"Psycho bitch." Damien looks at the annoyed Janis and whispers "She is right though, you should really lower your voice a little bit when you're cursing a witch.."

Damien looks at Regina 'no offense' and Regina tilts her head in agreement. "I meant offense." Janis chuckles and place the bottle in the middle and starts spinning it.

Gretchen and Cady only got half a minute left, so she figures why not because she might be the last person spinning the bottle since it's already late.

"You must be fucking kidding me..." Janis folds her body and lets out her frustration by pulling her head to the back as she grunts.

"Isn't this Déjà Vu? This is gonna be fun." Regina says, walking up to the bathroom and starts knocking on the door.

"Are you guys done being nasty yet because I'm excited for my new fantasy!" Regina leans against the wall beside the bathroom and winks at Janis.

"Come here, you caused this. Might as well own to it." She demands her while Karen and Chris gasps so loudly, and Aaron seeming to hate whatever's going on because he knows Regina's full of crap.

"Fuck you." Janis says, raising her middle finger briefly and walks toward the bathroom.

"W-What happens here? What's up with all the yelling?" They saw Cady comes out first, and she does not look good. Janis pulls her by her arm and she notices a stain of red lipstick on Cady's neck and Cady does not have one. "Mhmm... Cady, remember what I say about styling your hair?" Janis smiles at her forcefully before she pulls the hairband off Cady's ponytail and pull her hair to the front and cover her neck. "But I like tying my hair-"

"Not tonight Cady!" Janis says, slightly heightening her tone. "Gosh, you two naughty kids.." Regina laughs behind Cady and she pulls Cady into a hug from behind. "What did she do to you huh?" She chuckles amusedly and Gretchen exists the bathroom after fixing her hair to a different style. "What happens to your hair?" Karen asks clueless and the boys are totally ignoring them, playing with a whole new game with an UNO card Aaron found under Chris' bed.

"N-nothing, I need fresh air." Gretchen says, pulling Cady away with her. "Can I come?" Karen asks and Gretchen stops mid-way causing Cady to stumble upon her back. "NO! I mean... You wait here for Regina okay? I'll be back soon, you love card games right, it'll be fun!" Gretchen nervously chuckles and runs away from the room with the girl she drags alone.

"They're insane." Janis says under her breath. "Everyone's a little bit insane these days, baby." Regina chuckles as she whispers that to Janis.

"Where are they going?" Aaron asks away. "Nah, just chilling outside I guess" Chris said. "Don't worry baby, just play with your game, and I play mine. See you!"

Regina says, giggling as she pulls Janis into the bathroom. "Can't you be a bit softer though?!"

Janis removes her hand from Regina's grip and walks to the side of the bathtub while Regina locks the bathroom.

"I can't... I don't think you ever make it possible for me, Jan."

A/N: A piece of advice, I do not encourage what's about to come. *blow kisses anyway

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now