16 | Lake Marked With Memories (R.G. x J.I.) §

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Janis's POV

The coldness of the lake washes over my feet as I feel the breeze coats over my uncovered arms since I'm only wearing sleeveless shirt this evening.

I've been sitting on this wooden pier for 15 minutes after I skate my way from home to this place. I got into arguments with my dad because I'm always in the garage playing my guitar whether it's with Damien or not.

I know he's worried about me, but it is still quite disturbing that he sticks his nose in my business more than mum's.

It's been that way since I lit Regina's doll on fire but she deserved it, but I'm the one with the consequences.

I had my arms placed beside me as I paddle my feet in the water. Pushing my chest out and inhale deeply before letting out the mental burdens off my chest through exhaling the fresh lake breeze.

I lay down at the pier and cover the sunlight from entering my eyes by bringing my hand up as shield.

I look at my right hand in the sky, reminiscing what I had long gone in my memory. Whom I was with at this lake, years before. In our lazy shirts and jeans shorts, cycling to get to this lake and hangout, just the two of us because the lake was rumoured to have spirits lingering around from the deaths of the people in the past that used to live near here.

People in this town is dumb.

There was never once me and that blonde encounter such thing. Which works to our benefit because we love a chill weekend with our own companies, right next to each other. Our own dirty little secret.

We used to bring snacks and cans here, as I watch her swim inside the lake for hours.

She had always loved this lake, and she likes stopping by the pier to give me a kiss and let me admire her while she sits beside me and dry herself.

"What do you think would become of us few years from now, Janis?" The blonde asked me, softly caressing my dark brown hair to tuck behind my pierced ear.

"What do you think would become of us, Reggie?" I tilt my head, leaning closer to her as she softened her gaze when she lingered her beautiful eyes at me.

"Few years from now, I reckon I'd still wanna be here with you. I could not imagine life without you, baby."

Her smile faded when she pressed her wet lips against mine, softly laying me on the pier as she brushes her hand on top of my shirt to reach my neck. She nuzzled up against my neck with her nose and left kisses on my skin as she rubs my cheek gently.

I could still imagine vividly the rush of joy that I felt that day, when she whispers 'I love you' to me by the lake and I replied her every word with growing affection each time.

The same hand I was looking on that day, the only different was there was someone that used to be mine, cuddling my body on top of my chest and I am all alone now.

Suddenly, a splash is heard loudly from the lake and I sit myself up and look around me.

After seconds of having my blood rush over my nerve and skin, the unknown individual finally reaches the surface of the lake as she takes a considerable amount of breath after diving for god knows how long she was under there.

She wipes off the lake water from her face and swim her way to the pier, which I am still here stunned by the woman's action to jump into the lake.

She gets herself up on the pier and scrunch her hair to remove the water even just a little bit of it because today's quite chilly, I'm sure her hair would dry quick.

"Oh you're here too.." She lingers her eyes from over my figure up my brown eyes and beams a playful smile. "It's been awhile since I last saw you Janis. I'm always here by the weekends you know. It does feel lonely without you sometimes." Pushing her hair to the back as she lays beside me.

"Why would you need me here. Nope, why would you even want me here? You are doing just fine all this time." I turn my body to look at her, still laying lazily with one of her legs up and arms over her head.

"Just because." She says, smiling at me with those blue orbs of hers. I just sit there, trying to process what might be happening inside her tiny little mind. Admiring her from afar though she's just an inch away from me.

So close, and yet so far.

But we are still here together like she wished for, just as strangers with memories.

'See you at school, Regina.' I greet her, my tone sounding soft almost breaking as I stand up and walk away from the pier. I have had enough of my sweet time here, there's no use hanging around something that is never permanent to begin with.

Regina's POV

"Hopefully the next time I see her, she will return my smile... " I thought, embracing the sunlight warmly washes over my skin.

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