26 | Pop The Popcorn R.G x J.I (18+)

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Janis Imi'ike's POV

That's the thing about watching sapphic movie on cinema, you just get so excited and invested but you can't do anything about it even when your girlfriend is next to you, with the same amount of commitment, watching this movie for God knows how many times now.

This is the part where Vita kissed Virginia for the first time and I turn my head to look at Regina, just as I expected she is as invested as always.

"We've seen this scene so many times before, and you're still as astounded as always." She finally gives me her attention and kissed my cheek before pulling away.

"Their love is so raw, and quite dark I'd say. Pure obsession and lust..." She stopped at that and looked at me right in the eye, and I continued her interrupted thought with just one word.

"And love?" I see a smile creeping its way on her face as she glanced towards my lips and eyes before looking away again. "How do you think we would've navigate our love life in the 1920s?"

"It doesn't matter if it's in the 1920s or 1960s or in the 20th century, I'd fall for you over and over again, Regina..." I succeeded in stealing her attention and bring a smile on her face, hence I take my chance to crash our lips together in such desperation and a need to have her soft lips moving against mine.

"You know, if it wasn't so dark we would've get caught for showing love to one another..." She whispered against my lips as I remove the hand seat that is separating us. "Wouldn't you like that? That's the only explanation I could make of on why you love these period time sapphic movies so much... You like the thrill and chase. You like the thought of being caught on this so-called forbidden love of yours..."

We haven't come out to our friends yet about our little hangouts here and there out of town, Regina made me promise not to tell them yet as she said she isn't ready for anything as such. Which do get me into burying this massive infusion of hatred and jealousy inside instead of lashing it out on her because unlike what she thought of me, I do care about her feelings.

It might be dark in there but I felt the tip of our noses brushing against one another and another stretch of her smile on my lips. "How do you know me so well, Jan... We've only been dating for three months..." She says, trailing her tongue slightly on my upper lip before thinking out loud of how sweet I taste like in whisper.

"Plenty enough time to actually notice you've been wanting me for three years, did I get that right?" She brought up her hand to hold my nape in place before catching my lips once again but this time I felt another one gripping my waist neatly in place. "Is that right...?"

She removed both of her hands from me to place the popcorn and our drinks on the ground. "You know I'm always right..." There's just something about stealing her spotlight at dominance that just flicks a switch in her. "I'm sure you do..."

She brought up her hand and slides two fingers inside my mouth and I can taste the sweetness of the caramelised popcorn to melt on my tongue, trailing their ways out, sneakily leaving its prints on my lips. "Aren't we here for the movie?"

I breathe out as I'm having trouble catching my breath when I feel her fingers that just made a mess in my mouth are making their ways down underneath my skirt.

"It was in my attention to spend time with you here, watching my favourite movie. But, now Janis... I think I'd rather spend my time with you..." She slyly tilted her head as she smirks before kneeling in front of me and instinctively I just had to go get the blanket we brought to cover ourselves from the cold and wrapped it around Regina that's already spreading my legs.

"Are you insane?!" I whispered as I bend slightly to look at her.

She is lucky enough that we got the highest row of seat when we purchased the tickets just now and there weren't many around to watch this movie knowing it's been screening for almost a month now.

"Don't ask me... I think you know me better than I know myself..." She pushes my skirt upwards and I quickly pull the blanket up to cover just whatever unholy things she's gonna do to me down there.

As she trailed her tongue playfully around my exposed thighs, I turn to look around if there's anyone paying attention to us in the back. Well, looking in front to watch the movie isn't really helping when the scene that is screening in the moment is Vita making love with Virginia on her bed, and as for now I know very well I could phrase out her dialogue which is: "is this what death feels like?" when I feel a presence of two solid medium are entering my slits as Regina crawls back up to place her kisses on my neck.

I grip tightly on the blanket that's still half-covering us as Regina makes no effort to spare a mercy on me, marking her territory well on my skin as her fingers dominate my body with its work, leaving a heat to spread through my spine and chest, causing me to nearly faint at the rapid pacing moves of her wickedness.

I'm in disbelief of how many times I had to fight against my will to let out unwanted moans that are expected as she pleasures my body to satisfy her deepest desire of me at this damn dark place that is supposed to be romantic. "Are you having fun?" I breathe out as I lean my head against her for support.

"Mhmm..." She hummed against my neck before retreating away her fingers and face from me. "Janis..." She looks at me with this darkness in her eyes, I don't think I have a choice but to lock my gaze with hers as I push my fear aside and prioritise whatever she wants to tell me first. "I love you..."

I'm not sure what I'm feeling as for now, but I do know that refusing to reply is not an option as she waits impatiently for me to reciprocate her love. I brought my hands up to cup her face as I lock my eyes on her unsteady ones, lost in finding my wavered attention inside my eyes but she couldn't since I'm at lost myself, repeating the sacred phrase over again in my head.

"I-" Regina didn't seem to wanna hear what I was gonna say next and buried her face into the crook of my neck and I feel her hands tighten around my body, wrapping herself completely with me as she whispers, "If you leave me... I will hurt you." My body tenses up at her confession, finally she let go of me and took all her things to get out from the cinema, leaving me dumbfounded at the event that has just taken place.

"Regina, wait!" I gather myself together and follow her trails behind the cinema and gained the courage to pull her arm to make her turn. "I-" She turns towards me with a stubborn tear falling down from her cheek and clenched jaw and a realisation just hit me to care for her feelings, once again. Because I know, that's what I would've wanted for myself and her in the begining of the relationship and I'll see this through together with the one I decided to be with from the start.

"I love you too..." I wipe off her tears and notice how her expression changed, loosing the tension in her skin as she leans down for my embrace.

I wrap my hands around her shoulders as she does the same around my waist. "I won't leave you... Not anymore..." We experienced this before with the misunderstanding that happened few years ago, and I'm sure that might be the reason why she kept on hurting my feelings all those years pretending to be my enemy, perhaps because she thought she'd never get a chance to be with me.

"If you hurt me again, I'll make sure you will never find love anymore. You can only love me... Just me, Regina."

"Consider that's done, I'm all yours, baby."

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now