28 | Arranged Date R.G. x J.I. (fluff)

131 6 1

A/N: In this chapter, Regina and Janis don't know each other hehe. You might want to read with data on because I insert photos to help you visualise their looks, enjoy.

Regina's POV
It's been an overwhelming week for me and my failed relationships over the past couple years have been hard to go through.

I groan at the sound of calls coming in every now and then from two of my loved ones, mum and dad. They've been checking up on me since I broke up with my last girlfriend which is about 3 years ago, give or take.

They keep on saying if someone stays single for more than three years, they might not ever find love anymore. I say that's bullshit for sure, but they keep insisting, there's nothing I can do to shut them up about it.

"Regina, honey, we are concerned about your well-being. Yes, you may look like a normal living human, having a perfect house and job but are you even alive? All you do is stay in the office and jump from one finished project to another. We wouldn't mind if you wanna take a break every once in awhile, right darling," I heard Dad is humming in the background as he agrees with Mum "Daddy can sort things out for you, what do you say? Do you want to travel? Take time off for a few weeks-"

"Mum!" I just couldn't. What else am I suppose to do if they take my work away, it's cool that I'm in next of line to inherit Dad's business since my sister isn't mature of age yet and honestly I don't think that girl wants the position anyway, not in the hell! As she said to me. "Can we just, okay... Take a breath, 1...2...3...," She follows as I say but snaps after. "Honey! We just want the best for you!"

"I know! I know... But- I'm doing great, don't I? Business going well, more projects are coming through, people love me!" Not sure if that coulfd convince her enough to leave me alone but I guess I'll try.

"Do they? They like you, they adore you. When they look at you, they see opportunities to get money and bonus. Regina, honey, you know it's unhealthy to be sticking around thinking that will suffice." Here we go again, ugh! They just couldn't leave it at that, could they?

"Mum... I'm happy, okay? I'm feeling good like I'm supposed to, I'm doing meditations, I walk, I eat well." I puff out a chuckle as I fill up my drinking bottle for my morning walk after this. "You see? I don't need love. I'm doing fine by my own." Lying to myself again, but Mum knows better.

"Oh, honey..." Now I could hear her sobbing, what the- "Mum... I promise, I'm alright. Love will come around when it is time. We can't force it..." Hmmm, the last phrase hits me hard. Remembering how I used to beg for Cady to not leave me in her apartment few years back. Out of all people, I didn't know she could be the one that would hurt me knowing perfectly well I am fighting awfully hard for the position I have right now in the office.

She won't understand why I sacrifice my time to be in the office, and to the events where my presence is expected as I convince every single diplomat in there to invest in our company, I'm doing it for her too. If I could get this position, she'd be living in a mansion with me. I'd turn her life upside down and she'd be happy.

I guess it wasn't the kind of happiness she was looking for. I mean, what am I doing in this damn house, enjoying my own company alone. This wasn't the vision I had three years back, she should've been with me. We could make a family here. Instead, she's travelling around the world for the sake of her modelling job and sneaky photography stuff that she likes. I should be asking, is she even living?

Better than me, I guess...

"Little G..." Oh great, now it's Dad speaking over the phone as I hear Mum's sobbing is fading away from the call. "What now?" I walk out from the kitchen and make my way out to the front door, hooking the key that's hanging on the wall around my finger and locking the house. "It's weekend..." Of course I know that Dad.

"Do you have some free time during lunch?" Do they wanna come around? Because I wouldn't mind. "Yea sure, when are you gonna come. I'll cook for ya" I drive off from the parking onto the road, making my destination to the park nearby that I like to do my morning jog. Gotta keep your girl fit and looking nice always.

"Oh, no, no. Someone's coming over to your house.." what in the motherf- hell. He knows I don't like having people over. "Dad! What have you done, and who the- who's coming? Why didn't I know anything about this?"

"You would've been nosy about it!" I roll my eyes and drift on the road before doing a parallel park. "Yes, I would! They're coming to my sacred place! My heart, my home!" Now I'm exaggerating but hey, it's my house. "Darling, I set up a date for you." I was just walking away to the park from my car and never in my life that I do a U-turn that fast. "Dad, what the freak?" I can't curse in front of him, but I am genuinely mad.

I change my destination to the market instead to stock up my groceries because I know I'm short this week. I can't have a girl coming to my house eating take-away do I? I have reputation to take care. "She's a nice girl, she's a painter, my friend's daughter and she's gay. She's also shorter than you, adorable and she's got the cutest smile you'd ever see. Are you thrilled?" Fuck, maybe? No! Of course I am not.

"You've done it this time Dad... If this goes south," He knows I'm such an awkward around girls, and yet he did this to me. "I'm gonna-" let me think for a second. "I won't let you come to my house for Funday Sunday anymore! No more popcorn and movie night for us! You need to settle with Mum's tea party with all her loud friends!" My sweet revenge.

"Honey, don't do this. I'm doing this for you! S-she's really cute, yeah? Come on, I'm sending you a picture. Take a look." I switch the call to video call and open my message to see Dad's text.

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I wanted to be mad, but I couldn't

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I wanted to be mad, but I couldn't. Seeing how beautiful her smile lit up the whole space, I know I would trip if I was walking near this girl. My lips quiver as I try to focus my attention on the road and on the screen, I even forgot that Dad could see me getting quiet all of the sudden.

"What do you think, Little G?" He shots up an eyebrow playfully and I turn the steering wheel to move the car into place at the parking lot. I get out from the car and bring Dad with me as I make my way into the market. "Shut up, Dad. I have a lunch to cook."

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now