3 | Unicorn Dolls (§)

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Regina's POV

I've been wanting to do this for years. I swear to God, she's so adorable wearing her hair up after practice. I've been longing this sight of her for so long to see this close. Not from afar, from that sweaty bench and ugly disguise.

I move my hand away from her plump lips that felt so soft under my touch and move my other hand away too as I place them beside her legs on the seat.

"I wanna talk with you." I say, almost too excited from the high pitch tone I use. "You wanna talk with me? You, Regina George, the Great Queen Bee?" My smirk twitches a little because I hate that she's mocking me. "Do you have any plan after this?" She coughs a laugh before moving her body slightly away from me. "One that does not include you." I roll my eyes. "Doing what?" She stares at me and say "Sleep."

I didn't want to seem obvious that my mind has wanders a bit far from our real context but I think she kinda caught me from the smile I couldn't hide away especially when my teeth are showing.

Janis's POV

Why is she smiling, most importantly, why is she being too close with me right now?!

I put down my bag and it drops behind me and place both my hands on her shoulders to push her slightly away because I am starting to feel uncomfortable. "Okay, okay! We can talk but please keep a range of three meters away from me if you still want to proceed." I swear I do put some energy into pushing her away but why isn't she budging, not even a centimeter away from me. And that freaking smile has turned into an amused one.

"Deal. But I'm sitting beside you." As if she hasn't violated my boundaries so many times before. "Whatever Regina, what do you want?"

She sits next to me and put a leg up on her thigh, keeping both her hands on her thighs and look down at them. She seems nervous but I can't predict the reason why.

"So... I- I actually want to apologise to you..." She finally confesses her intention toward me and try her best not to avoid my gaze. "Why should I trust you? You make my life a living hell all these years." I sound annoyed but I don't care.

It was hard for me for the first few months after she mocks me with the doll I bought her. And letting everyone calling me Pyrolez after the accident I caused and also called me that yesterday evening in front of the new girl. Why should I forgive her?

"I know it was hard for you and I-" I stand up and grab my bag to walk away from her because listening to her unapologetic self is worse than anything I could bare right now.

"Janis, come on!" She grabs my arm and turns me toward her. "Didn't you hear me just now, Regina!? You made my life a living hell!" I push her away and start to walk toward her making her stumbles to the back, cornered with her back against the wall.

But Regina being Regina, she puts her walls up and her head held high, crossing her arms while she looks down on me. "I did not. I sent you a lot of motivating notes and rainbow flowers when you got suspended. But you didn't know that, did you?" She tilts her head angrily and I start to remember it all back.

"Yea that's right, you don't even remember my handwriting because you were too busy blaming me for what others are calling you at the time, those weren't my doings. It was kids at school and God forbids you to see anything else other than me to blame just because I blurted that one stupid thing at the party!"

I feel ashamed listening to her confession of course but is she really trying to make up with me because why is she roasting me right now?

"I'm pretty sure it was you that called me obsessed at that party though!" I encounter her back and cross my arms, how bout that Regina?

"I-I, Janis come on, it was one stupid thing I said. You can't still be mad over that besides-"

"You and your lame excused Regina, have the guts to be accountable at least. You did do that didn't you?" I uncrossed my arms and hit her arms while she defends herself. "I was young!" She avoids my hits and grabs my arms to stop me. "Bullshit. I was too!" "Yeah but you were out! And I was not, you can't blame me for freaking out!"

"W-What do you mean?"

Regina's POV

I have her arms in my hands, stayed firmly as I spoke out my truth, but I can feel her softening under my touch and confession. And confused. Of course she is, who wouldn't when I keep this secret from her for years and playing enemy with her all these times without a solid reason to. I just seem like a bitch to her.

But I want to be so much more than a backstabbing two-faced bitch to her, I am not who she thinks I am.

I want to be with her side, always. I have all these attentions from everyone but it's still not enough because I only want hers and hers only. I need all of her, I need her to be mine. I need her to love me more than I could possibly imagine she could have.

When I feel her arms start to loosening from my arms from all the confusion she feels as she burrows those brown eyes, feeding into my long buried lust for her love. I lean down and catch her lips in between mine.

It's just as I imagine it to be, maybe even softer and better than we once shared. Her hands linger around my neck and she presses her lips deeper into our kiss. Which I did not expect her to do because she hates me so much, but that's not what her body says when I needed to pull her by her waist to keep her from falling and pushed her against the locker for support.

"Regina..." She says in between our kiss as I hum a yes. "I really need a minute now..." She pushes me away gently and rests her head at the locker. "Yes! Yes, I am sorry... Wait, do you forgive me? Because if you don't then I'm gonna resent you since I'd be feeling like a fool, but I really don't want you to hate me..."

She kisses me again only quicker this time and pushes me onto the bench and sits on my lap.

Her hands feel soft on my skin, resting neatly on my shoulders for support as I wrap mine around her back and waist. "Fuck, I miss you and your chatters." She kisses me again and smiles this time, looking into my eyes as she pulls away.

"I talk too much don't I?"

"We have a lot to catch up anyway."

A/N: I ship them two, shut up. Hope you enjoyed it.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now