15 | Midnight Muse (C.H. x J.I. - 18+)

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Cady's POV

I might have not realised it yet, but I've been sleeping over at Janis's house more than usual these days. Damien and I have been staying at her place for quite a few times a week to hangout and make plans on how to mess with Regina's life.

At first, I agree to be in plan because Regina stole Aaron from me. But after weeks went by, I'm not sure why am I even doing this anymore.

I like hanging out with Janis when it is not about Regina because you can really tell she's a fun person to be around with. I noticed a lot of things about her as I spent time around her.

I love how she always fills her time by knitting, doing embroidery, designing new shirts and jackets for new look for school, how she is always on her drawings whenever I come by.

I just love it so much, watching her doing things she is passionate about. She would sometimes sings and plays her electric guitar with Damien in the garage and I would come and adore them throughout the practice. They post their covers on YouTube and I also subscribe them to watch their latest videos, believe it or not, they are quite well-liked on that platform.

She would ask me to sing along with her in her videos, and people would ship us in the comments because of how we look at each other when we share the microphone.

But Janis didn't care about it, she always told me she loves me platonically, and I think I feel a bit disappointed whenever she brushes off the comments with a laugh when Damien read them out loud.

As if I feel rejected and insufficient for her. But she's never bother to find a girlfriend either, I wonder why.

Tonight, I slept over because we spent the weekend watching Gossip Girl with Damien. He went home two hours ago and I spent the night, talking with Janis over toasted marshmallows that we made at the backyard.

It was funny because we challenged each other to do Chubby Bunny, a game that I recently learnt from her and Damien, and she looks so cute with her cheeks stuffed.

We almost get choked, so we clear our throat with a hot chocolate afterwards.

I think I am asleep for almost 2.5 hours now and I switch my position on Janis's bed to reach my phone that I placed on her bedstand earlier that night, but as I turn, I heard she cursed something, almost whispering when she does it.

So I switch on the lamp on her bedstand and fix myself on her bed to an upright sitting position, removing the blanket from my exposed legs because I'm wearing shorts pajamas tonight.

"Hey, Jan..." I ask away as I sit with her at the couch beside the window. "H-hi Cady, why did you wake up?" She hides something behind her and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Nothing.. I heard you just now, what are you doing up anyway? You should be asleep beside me because we literally slept together." I brought my legs up and hug them with one arm while I raise another and put it across the couch behind Janis's neck.

"I couldn't sleep... So I get up and start drawing, I almost finish my drawing just now... But you woke up, so..." Janis scoots further away from me and place her arm behind her, attempting to hide the drawing away from my sight. But I already saw it, she couldn't do anything about that.

"Janis..." I say smiling as I lower my feet to the ground. "Yes??" She lets out a chuckle and I charge towards her. "What are you hiding over there, let me see-" I tease her at her waist and she giggles non-stop under my touch. "It.. was... Nothing! Oh my God, Cady stop!" She laughs even harder and I take that opportunity to snatch her drawing away from her hand.

"Cady- it's not for you!" Janis pushes me on the bed and I cover my face with her drawing because a few inches more we would've kissed. I take a good look at the drawing with the light from the lamp shining my way, and I can't believe I get stunned by what I see.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now