5 | She's Back Bitches + (C.H. x G.W.) fluff

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A/N: Reneé's Birthday falls on 10th of January, so it's new year for them all

Janis's POV

"You're lying! She did not just pull that card." Damian seems to think I'm joking about Regina inviting me to the party. "Nope, she did not. Regina just asked me at the queue just now if I'm gonna go to her birthday party by myself or with you guys."

"Thank you, Cady. Believe me now, girl?" I shove a fry into my mouth as I watch Cady takes a seat beside me. "But why so sudden?" I turn to look at Damian sitting opposite with me and I almost choke on my cheese fry when I see The Plastics are pacing toward us. "Hey, Cady. Damian how you doing?" Regina greets them all except for me. "Hey babes, it's Wednesday isn't it, you all look gorgeous." Damian winks at Karen, and Gretchen reapplies her lipstick before making her way towards Cady.

"Do I look good, babe?" She says sitting beside Cady. "You look so beautiful Gretch. I love this colour on you." I am used to this sight now ever since Jingle Bell nightmare stage, because Cady has been nice to Gretchen and comforting her. Damian even suspects they're dating, and I support his conspiracy theories on this couple.

I remove my eyes away from the couple and glance up just to see Regina is staring, piercing every living soul there is in my body. "Yes, Gina... why are you looking at me like that?" Damian, Cady, Karen and Gretchen all look at me weirdly as if I've said something unusual to their hearings. Not just them really, I feel like everyone near our tables did.

"Gina? No one ever calls Regina that before.." I hear Gretchen whispers to Cady and I know I am fucked because the last time I call Regina that was when we were still good friends. Can't blame the habit.

"Nothing... I just love your jacket." For the second time today, Damian widens his eyes to its max range and I can hear Cady scoffing miserably at my side. "Thanks, Gi- Regina."

"Oh, you can call me Gina. I love how it sounds from your lips." Karen faints beside Damian for 3 secs before she gets revived back. And I can assure everyone, if Regina starts making blunt comments again from her intrusive thoughts, I will be the next after Karen because my cheeks are flustered red now.

"So Regina, this party next Friday... Do we have a theme?" Cady asks, coming to my rescue. Gretchen and Karen smile from ear to ear before answering. "Sexy Slutty Lady!" They said in unison. "Oh, sure. Sure we're gonna dress sexy slu- yea sexy, we got it." Regina chuckles a little and talks with Damian for awhile, she takes a seat beside him after he scoots.

With the chatters around me start to fill the room, I on the other side, am lost in my own thoughts and anxiousness because having Regina's presence right in front of me is new.

"You okay, Jan?" I look up to meet her softened gaze filled with worry and I reply "Yea, I'm just thinking about what to wear later."

She stands up from our table and the two Plastics do the same, but I swear from the corner of my eyes that I saw Gretchen pecking a small kiss on Cady's cheek that is now slowly turning pink like their theme today.

"You're artsy, creative and basically have good insights at things, you'll figure it out." Regina says to assure me. I can only reply her with a smile because I'm not sure if I can take in the fact that Regina's as tame and kind as a newborn now and not a devilish, always has something bitchy to say kind of popular girl she used to be.

"Don't you use to draw outfits for your characters, Janis?" Damian accidentally blurts out about my secret which he didn't know it is that I keep from everyone including Cady. "Yea.. I still do actually." I keep it cool. "This jacket is one of it that I made last month."

"That's so fetch!" Karen says proudly of me. "Hey, that's my word." Says Gretchen. "Grool." Cady seems amazed and takes in a good sight of me to burn into her mind. "Damn Jan. No wonder you look smoking hot right now."

And for the third time today Damian widens his eyes once again and stands up to put his tray at the dirty tray bin. "Okay babes, we have AP french class after this, we gotta go. See you around." He couldn't believe what he just witnessed as much as I do right now and Cady also seems to be taken aback with this situation I'm in.

"I'll see you around, Gina." I take my last remaining cheese fry and place it in between my teeth, standing up to go pass Regina and her girls. But she caught my arm before I could walk away. "I'm still hungry." She says, snatching the fry away from my lips. "Hey, that's mine-" I see her place it in her mouth and lick the cheese staining her fingers off. "What did you say?"

"Nah, take it, I guess." My bag drops on the lunch bench and she walks pass me, just like that with her hennas blowing kiss at me, saying 'see you around!'

"God bless you baby!" I hear Regina says before she gets out from the cafeteria.

"Um, girl are you still alive?" Damian says walking back at me when he sees me standing still in the middle of the crowd with Cady peaking her head behind the entrance door.

"No, I think I just died."

A/N: I think C.H. x G.W. could be a cute ship

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