20 | Tiny Kitten Latte (fluff & §)

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A/N: This turns out longer than I thought, wrote it for an hour and a half since it was already in draft, I just edited and wrote it properly. Anyways, please enjoy this because it's so fucking cute, it is. Shut up. I'm in tears. Love y'all though!

Third Person's POV

"Auli'i honey, are you okay?" Reneé comes closer to the girl and gives her comfort by placing a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"Yea, I'm okay." Auli'i turns to her and forces a smile, causing Reneé to raise her eyebrows, clearly picking up a sign that she's been lied to. "Physically yes, I am okay. But not my situation." Auli'i switches off her phone and shoves it along with her hands into her pockets. "My dumb ass accidentally forget to bring my key."

Auli'i sighs softly and Reneé removes her hand. Lighting a cigarette and offers Auli'i a puff after she takes a hit. "I should be fine if my friend is home, but she just informed me that she's staying with her boyfriend tonight." Auli'i softly refuses Reneé's offer by shaking her head and continues her rant.

"Do you have any other friends here? You think they would mind if you crash on couch?" Reneé throws the cigarette into the drain and copies Auli'i by warming her hands in her jacket as well.

"No, I don't. I'm still pretty new at college downtown, and believe it or not. I only have made two friends here. I'm a goddamn introvert, if you do notice it." Auli'i laughs as she jokes about her little life and Reneé realises how lonely that sounds from Auli'i's perspective, having almost less to none friends to rely on at times in need. She can relates to it.

"Not really, we get along quite well for our first day together. I guess we gonna spend the rest of it together too. Hop on, let's get you to bed." Reneé walks to her bike and turns back to Auli'i when she notices she isn't following what she said.

"Where to exactly?" Auli'i tilts her head and Reneé mentally slaps herself because of course the girl is confused.

"My apartment, do you mind, Miss? I promise I'm not an ax murderer if that's you're so worried about." Reneé lets out a chuckle as she offers her hand.

"That did not cross my mind so excuse you, Miss Reneé." Contemplating her decision for a second, before accepting Reneé's hand.

"Sure, why not? I could use a hot shower tonight, ours broke few days ago." After they walk to Reneé's bike, the rider realises she only had brought one helmet with her today. But that's okay because she has an extra in the locker inside cafe.

"Wait here for a minute, I'm going inside." Auli'i hums as to agree and Reneé comes back with an extra, similar to the one hanging at the bike's handle.

"Gotta make sure someone doesn't lose a head tonight..." Reneé beams a smile as she helps the girl wears her helmet, clipping the chin straps and slightly pats on the helmet. "Cute..." She says bluntly and Auli'i scoffs a laugh.

"Do you always keep an extra? Doesn't look normal for me..." Auli'i raises an eyebrow and Reneé's smile drops, rolling her eyes as she hops on her bike and put on her helmet next.

The truth is, she always has an extra in the cafe because she sometimes go home with a girl that hangs out at her cafe. But whenever she sees them around now, she wouldn't act all friendly anymore. She doesn't like it when they start become clingy to her, thus when she tried being honest about it, she never saw some of them anymore at the cafe.

"Are you coming? Or should I leave you here?" Reneé playfully twists the throttle.

"Okay, okay." Auli'i grabs on Reneé's shoulder to hop on but she almost falls because the seat is a bit high for her.

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