4 | She's Back Bitches (R.G. x J.I.) fluff

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Regina's POV

"You okay?" asked Cady seeing how miserable you look that night at Homecoming Dance. "Sure yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You look great as always of course but the sight of you staring with deep loathe at a particular person dancing and laughing on the dance floor is mortifying.

"O-okay but don't you think me out of all people would notice you're staring at Janis for a long time now?" After making up in the bathroom, Cady has been looking out for you all night and try to help you in many ways since she's still feeling guilty that somehow she's one of the reasons your movements are restricted tonight. "I told you Cady, the bus pushed me, you don't need to do all these things... you've done enough" Not quite sure about that, you need one more thing from her. "I know, but if there's anything you could use a help from me, I'll be there."

"There's something, yes..."

I told her to get me a meeting with Janis Imi'ike because I'm feeling nice tonight and I wanna apologise to everyone I've done wrong, well, I lost count years ago. But my thought still counts right?

"Hey, Regina. How's your neck?"

"As good as new." You say, turning slowly toward the voice. Maybe, a little bit too slow because you can hear her chuckles as she waits for you to do a whole side body turn towards her. "The doc says I'm gonna need some time off school to focus on my recovery, and I'll be good as new in two weeks." That's a long time for me, but I guess karma's bitch. "I hope you'll be fine soon."

"Yea..." Janis sits on the arm chair and waits for you to speak up about the reason you're calling her there but nothing comes out from your mouth until "I'm gonna go, you have fun while you're here alright.." and you hug her from the side from leaving. "Janis, I'm sorry." said you. "Um, okay there..." She pats your head slightly because she doesn't know how to act.

You lick your lips slightly before exhaling a sigh and let go of her, you try your best to get a sight of her above you but of course, you can't twist your neck more that it allows you to. Janis chuckles and pull a seat to sit beside you. "What do you wanna say to me, Gina?"

"Ugh, this is hard for me. Are you dating her by the way? Cuz she's been looking at here since just now and I am in no position for a cat fight now..." You say widening your eyes at the girl standing beside the table, draining down her throat with that awful drink they ordered for the event. You would've sponsored a better catering for this event if you had known it's gonna be this bad. "NO. I mean no, we aren't dating. We tried to the past couple weeks but we don't work out, I think I can't. Anyway, it's too late to find another partner for homecoming dance, but really why we suddenly switch to my story. We were talking about you just now..."

"Right, I am so sorry..."

"You apologise a lot these days." You fake a laugh and awkwardly pats her shoulder. "It's the aftermath of being hit by a bus and almost meet death, I think."

"So real." Janis burst into laugh and you gasp unbelief. "Hey, I almost die."

"I know, I was there. But you kinda deserve it tho." You scoffs a chuckle and look at your rings, one of them is actually a paper ring that Janis made when you guys were young. "Wait, is that what I think it is..." Noticing that on your finger, Janis grab you hand to take a better look. "Yes, it is. It matches my dress so-" You could feel your heart beating in your ears now when she carefully caress for your fingers, her soft skin brushing yours. "I can't believe you still keep it, it was made out from the leftover paper from art class too." And she doesn't know you burnt your finger trying to grab the toasted Sissy Liz too because you couldn't bare looking at it burns right in front of your eyes.

"Janis..." you say, placing your hand in hers and pull her hand closer. "I am sorry for being such a bitch to you throughout all these years." Janis goes quiet as you apologise. "I am sorry too for pulling schemes on you through Cady." You laugh a bit because her schemes don't really work except for the part you had to run miles to get your weight back to normal. You get nice abs and and legs from it though, that's a gain. "I really miss having my friend back, think you could make it to my birthday party soon?"

"Holy shit, Regina George is inviting me to go to her high school party? I must be dreaming..."

Her faking the gasp makes you feel annoyed a little. "Shut up, not just you, I'm planning to invite the whole school through my IG story later." When you glance back up, only meeting those brown eyes of her were glued at you with a smile forming slowly on her face, you wonder what she's thinking. "Yea, but I got invited personally tho. I can brag about this everyday till I die."

You loosen your grip on her hands and push them away slightly rolling your eyes. "Yea sure, hope you'll make it."

"I'm so gonna make it with Cady and Damian later." You suck your bottom lip before turning your head to the side, noticing she has left to go dancing with her friends. "I'll see you there, Jan."

"So are we gonna dance?"

"Shut up Shane, take me home." You replied to Shane Oman, who also happens to be the only one that knows you're gay because he is too when he comes out to you last year. You guys keep on faking the hookups so that your cover won't get blown. "Okay, one dance and please take a good care of my neck."

"As you wish my lady." You laugh as he pulls you up and walk with him to the center of the hall. "I'm looking forward to my party, cuz the drink here sucks."

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now