21 | Evolve Bitch (R.G. x J.I.) §

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A/N: I promised yesterday but I fell asleep hahahah. Enjoy this one guys! I appreciate the votes and comments you guys have been giving me this last few weeks ~ I won't be updating for two weeks because I have examinations, see you when I see you later!

Janis's POV

Regina came closer to me as I scoot further away from her. Doesn't she know of personal space at all?

"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" The group started cheering and I felt more nervous than usual. "What are you so afraid about, Janis? It's just a kiss..." Regina said, backing away as she knelt on her knees, still waiting for my consent.

"I'm not used to this, G." I whispered, locking my eyes with hers.

"I promise, it's not gonna be anything bad... We're both girls!" She beamed her gummy smile at me and I felt safe hearing that.

I got on my knees to her level and leaned closer by placing my hands on her thighs. She was sitting on her knees and she moves closer too, to reach a hand behind my dark curls.

I didn't look at anyone else though the group was cheering like crazy and kept my eyes on her, almost shattering because of the anxiety hitting my chest. "Are you sure about this, G?"

She looked at me with those watercolor eyes and sneaked a hand around my waist to pull me closer, I gasped at the sudden touch and placed my hands on her chest instantly.

"Why wouldn't I be, you're my best friend, Jan." She gazed down to my lips and licked hers before leaning in. When our lips met, my eyes fluttered before closing. I slid my hands around her shoulders and pulled her closer, we kissed for what felt like a couple of seconds and the cheer toned down, making me feel heated because everyone just saw us making out. Not that I mind it because we were all friends back then. I pulled away from Regina and sat back as I watched she lines up a smile across her face, making me blush easily.

Seeing that bright look on her face reminded me of how we always face things together. Like nothing could stop us, and that was the friendship I had with Regina back then.

"I knew she would kiss me." She stood up and changed her expression into an amused one, as if she's looking down on me and my expression fell as well. "G, what do you mean?"

"That's what I mean, Jan. You're like obsessed with me, of course you'd kiss me right? I bet you'll sleep well tonight because you just kissed the hottest girl at school." Everyone started laughing and I got up from my place, rushing out from the room, I can't believe she said all that and crashed my pride. I was her friend, why would she do that to me? She humiliated me in front of all those kids and I will never forget about that.

After she told everyone how I would definitely kiss her, I just kind of locked myself in my room for a few weeks straight. Damien had to bring me out from town for a little vacay to cheer me up, fortunately his mum consented to it. We had a good weekend and met some other queers at the party too, which is refreshing because Damien's cousin was the one that introduced his friends to us.

By that weekend, I gained my confidence once again and new friends. I made a deal with the Principal to not kick me out from school by joining track team and I am surprisingly good at it.

I made a comeback few weeks later by lighting Regina's doll on fire and I got into trouble with the Principal again. But he couldn't kick me this time because I have proved myself to be the school's gem in track team as the coach wanted to promote me as captain next year.

I got suspended for a week though.

Today, I walk into school with my chest held high, because their stupid gazes don't matter. I feel more powerful than ever and I've picked up some new hobbies too. Turns out I'm also good at sewing and I wear my sewn jacket to school today.

"Hello gorgeous, how have your week been?" Damien stands beside my locker right when he arrives. "It was a great week. I really needed the space to sort things out. Turns out I'm so good at a lot of things, I should do this more often." A smile lines up on my face and Damien expresses a terrified look. "Why you make that face?"

"Please tell me you're joking because the next time you wanna light somebody's doll on fire, I'm sure it's gonna be worse than that.." He trails off as he notices The Plastics stops by their lockers.

"I'd definitely be charged with Arson, but wouldn't that seem cool?"

I hear a sigh was let out from behind me and I turn to look at where it came from. Obviously, it's the Queen Bee over and over again. She just couldn't leave me alone. Now, who's obsessed?

"Watch out everyone, Pyrolez is here. She might burn you to death!" She scoffs out a laugh and the girls followed.

"What did you just call me?!" I can't be getting into trouble again, but tell me who would just shut up when they are getting mocked as such?

Regina may be the Queen Bee, but I am that bitch. She won't walk all over me and I'm here to make sure of that.

"Why don't you go back to your little nest and light that on fire instead, Pyrolez?"

Oh now she's done it. Closing the gap between us, I plaster a smile on my face as I tie up my hair because we have PE first thing in the morning.

Her eyes trail all over my body and I put on a smirk as I caught her doing it. I may be the infamous queer kid that lit her bag on fire, but I know deep down this girl is way creepier than me. She's just good at hiding it behind her hetero mask and boyfriend. "Why are you looking at me like that, G? You like how my image burns into your soul, doesn't it?"

I push her chest against the locker harsh and stand in front of her, inches away just to closen the gap in between us.

"Hey! That's not nice!" Gretchen wants to take a few steps closer toward us but Karen grabs her wrist and shakes her head signing it might not be a good idea because people might cause gossip if it's three versus one. Which will not be looking good for Regina.

"Unlike you, I've actually done quite a deal to my life. Compared to The School Queen Bee, I'll actually be the captain of trackteam and we're going places. Talking about nest, don't you think you're too comfortable being stuck at this school, G?"

"What's that even mean?!" She pushes me back as soon as I insulted her with that statement and I push her back twice as harder. Everyone else gasps around us, including Damien and Karen. Gretchen flinches at her stand and wanted to help Regina so bad but the girl brings up her hand to sign Gretchen to calm down. That she can handle me.

I can't lie that it kinda amuse me in some typa way. I walk closer to the blonde and she tries to keep her cool by crossing her arms together under her chest.

"Don't worry, Regina. You can control these kids, and on the other hand I will enjoy the competitions I'll be taking part in and make you proud as the school conquerer, how's that sound?" She furrows her eyebrows in confusion and scoffs a laugh, but I'm not done at irritating her yet.

I pull her by her shirt and she unwillingly had to lean a little closer to my face, taken aback by my attitude.

"Evolve bitch." I said, leaning into a quick kiss and push her the second I felt her returning it.

"That piece of- fuck. She kissed me! You see that didn't you!?" Regina whines from behind me and the hall went crazy with comments about what I just did to the Queen Bee. "I do not support this behaviour, but I stan you babe. That was cool." Damien's group chats also blow up as I heard the notifications coming from his phone, but he ignores it as he walks with me, our backs meeting those judgy eyes.

"Janis, you'll pay for this!" I hear Regina calling out from behind and I pull my middle fingers up, not looking back because it's iconic.

"Whatever, I have evolved, bitch!"

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now