12 | Americans at Essex College (18+)

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Regina's POV

I went out last night when Janis was asleep, and I had a one night stand with this random single mom online... She attempted to contact me again this morning but I blocked her right away.

Don't get me wrong, I love how she fucks me on bed. But I won't allow any of my one night stands to get into my life more than I need to. I don't need them to cling to my life from time to time. It's annoying and unnecessary.

When I went back to the dorm, I met my cousin, Nico in front of our block.

He invited me to come to his frat party with my dormmates, and I say sure I'll come if I have mood.

I arrived at the dorm almost a little passed 12am, and I recognise a particular figure was standing by the window beside my bed.

"Oh I'm sorry, you're finally back. I was just on call with Damien." She told me. She must've missed him so bad seeing how her face fell after she ended the call.

"Don't worry about it, hope he's doing fine."

"He is. Okay, goodnight Regina." She moved away from window and went to her bed, wrapping herself fully with the blanket and go to sleep.

"Goodnight, Jan..."

Janis's POV

I'm sitting at this small square table that could barely fit us four.

We sit together for the first time at breakfast, me on the left side, Regina on my right, Whitney sitting across from me and Kimberly on her other side.

"You guys make up already?" Whitney asks as she sips a drink. "Mhmm.. that's right." Regina affirmed her. She has a high pony tail today, styling it nicely with a beige coat and stripe skirts. Tucking in her shirt under it neatly.

"I'm glad you guys are okay now, I don't know how we were gonna handle if the dorm turn to a pit fight everyday." Kimberly says, closing her palms together and she gets kicked by Whitney seconds after.

"Actually..." Whitney puts forward the beginning of the topic she wants to discuss with us. "Kim and I was thinking, we should try and tell each other a few things about one another, right?" Kimberly nods excitedly. "To get to know each other, shall we?"

"That's great, I don't mind." I say, taking my drink up to my lips. "I should start first." Regina says and I gulped down a sip.

"I'm a lesbian."

I choke right away as she confessed that, and she rubs my back carefully as to not making it worse. I didn't know she is a lesbian all this time, why did she even make fun of me when we kissed before. That's strange of her. "Wow, I did not expect that-" Whitney says, holding back her laugh.

"Since when are you-"

"Since we kissed." She's too straight forward today, what is up with her. "Damn, y'all kissed before?" Whitney gasps and chuckles in awe.

"We did, I actually liked it. I only realised it years after we did. Took me a long time to accept my sexuality." Regina says, taking a huge bite off the red apple she's holding in her hand.

"Wanna try it again?" Regina looks at me and I push her head away. "Stop messing around, Regina." I hear she laughs beside me.

"That's cool, I'm straight by the way. What about Janis?"

Kimberley asks, and I lean back against my chair as to keep it cool after that embarrassing moment. "Uh, I'm actually bisexual. Although I never date a boy. I think my sparks is more towards girls, but it doesn't invalidate my sexuality as it is."

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now