10 | Americans at Essex College

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"What, the... FUCK! Why is my life so fucked?!" Regina hops on one foot when her left one got crushed by my luggage while I was still standing there, mentally stumbled at this sight of a poor woman, unleashing her complete pessimistic and unapologetic thoughts for everyone at the hall to hear.

I doze off for another quarter of a minute, and I finally get back to reality when that blonde screams in anger. "It wasn't intentional, fuck I'm sorry." I try to come close and take a better look at her foot that my luggage has stomped on but I fail as I feel a soft liquid falls on my head, drenching my clothes slowly with its rich cherry red colour. "Are you serious, Regina?!" I wipe off the drink from my face and grab her shirt harshly, she is unfazed by what I did but I'm still not letting go.

"Fuck you... fuck all of you for doing this to me. I hope you all trip on stairs when you guys go to class tomorrow." She brings up the bottle to her lips and tilt her head, bottoming it all up till it's dry off wine.

Classic Regina fucking George, who the fuck does she think she is?

How did I forget who's standing in front of me for even a second? Why the fuck did I even apologize to this bitch? Second of all, why in the hell is she drinking so early in the morning because this strong variant smell is definitely coming from her.

"The fuck is your problem, Regina!?" I push her as hard as I could and that woman falls on her ass. "Now, you've done it!" I should've known better than to fight a drunk motherfucker, but I feel humiliated and honestly I hate seeing this side of her. She isn't even sober and that what pisses me off the most.

She gets up half-way and grabs my shirt harshly that I fall beside her before she slaps me across the face when she tops my stomach
and grabs my hair with one hand. "Don't lay your filthy hands on me, pyro freak!"

"Oh fuck you! You don't wanna play with me, you blonde sick bitch!" I grab her hair as well and she let go of the bottle to have another fistful grip of my hair. We start screaming at each other in the room like cats, it is not a pleasing sight.

Believe it or not, students from other dorms start to assemble in front of our door and so does my other dormmates, which I assume they are, exiting from another room.

"Now this is lit, should I video this one?" Said a girl with a red buzz cut.

"Wait, isn't that Regina?! She goes here? God, we will never get another picture of this." Said another girl, with a blue tips hair.

"Yea, take a picture losers, it'll last longer!" Regina laughs on top of me and I quickly push her aside and snatches the girl's phone and delete the picture.

"You want us all to get expelled? Mind your own businesses, oh God!" I throw her phone back at her and I see Cady trying to push through the crowd.

"I feel like I know you... Oh my freaking God! You're the girl who made a well-known speech at this one viral video before you dive into the crowd at North Shore High School right?" I nod awkwardly. "She is a legend!" Another girl with a short brunette slick back hair said and I'm starting to get annoyed by the overwhelming attention.

"Could you all please step away from the door, thank you?" A gorgeous black girl behind me said, sighing as she kick off the strangers to outside politely.

"I know I said I like drama when we were playing UNO last night Whitney, but I don't think I like this..." The other white girl helps to get Regina up on her feet but she is still laughing as she surrounds her arm around the short brunette.

"This is all you, Janis... You and all those stupid, ungrateful wh*res!!!" She never knows when to quit, does she? Before I charge back towards her, the girl called Whitney step in between us.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now