2 | Unicorn Dolls.

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A/N: You can imagine Janis as AJ from the movie Crush (2022), she looks so hot in that movie.


I lied to Karen and Gretchen about accompanying my mom to spa today and sent them home right away after school. I heard track has extra practice today because the tournament is coming soon.

And I know Janis will be there because aside from art, she keeps that spicy build of hers by running track. She's good at it too and I love seeing her without her usual makeup. Her bare-face always sparks something in me and I can genuinely comment she looks hot when she's running. Especially away from me and my life. She's got this Queen Bee hooked for some reasons.

There are many others too at the bench watching them run tracks and Damien is relaxing at one of the benches, munching on snack and have his umbrella opened above his head. Not just that, we match outfit today when I notice he has his sunglasses on too. Obviously for different reasons, because I couldn't let anyone notice that I am here stalking my ex best friend while she practices.

Although that being said, I say my outfit is quite convincing today since I got my hoodie and baggy jeans on but I fucking regret it because what the fuck is up with the weather today, I'm sweating buckets.

"Regina? Why are you here?" Crap. It didn't work. "H-hey baby, of course I'm here to see you..." I grab Samuels by his shirt and pull him into a kiss when I notice a pair of those brown eyes are looking at me. She looks disgusted and honestly I am too, doing this in front of her.

"Regina quit it. We just broke up two weeks ago and now you're stalking me? You didn't even wanna come to my practice when I invited you all year we were together."

First, I wasn't stalking you, god no. Don't flatter yourself, boy. Second, I didn't even know you run track, did you invite me tho? I wasn't paying attention, I'm not sorry.

"I miss you baby, that's why I'm here... Can you forgive me, please?" I stroke his chest gently while I let his arms slide to my waist. "It's been hard these past few days without you. But if you don't want me in your life anymore then I understand..." God I cringe at myself. And apparently not just me, but Janis too, choking on her Gatorade beside Damien. I want this to end quick.

Janis's POV

Damian has gone home an hour ago, and I am shocked that Regina is still here, cheering and waving at her ex boyfriend, Aaron.

It's only a few of us left, and I am starting to feel tired since the clock has passed 5:30 P.M. on my watch. I steal a few glances to see if Regina's still here bitching about how hot today is with her now is boyfriend again, wrapped around her arms. But nope.

It's disappointing to see there is no her anywhere I run my eyes at. "Hey Aaron, where's your Queen?" I shout out to the guy panting the bench, ready to go home. "My Queen? Sure she is... I don't know Jan, she just suddenly left just now, she texts me saying 'Emergency, Mommy needs a ride' hmm... That's all." I chuckled a little because Regina's too selfish to do that, I think he got dumped again because which rich mum doesn't have a driver for herself?

"Yea sure, you get back safe dude. Don't trip on your way home!" Seeing how easy he falls for Regina, he needs my prayers for that. His thank fades away as I walk my way to the changing room and chatters of the track team girls started to fill my ears.

They all have changed clothes but hang around for a little bit before going home, that's what we do after practice. When I was about to change into my red sweatshirt, I heard a loud bang came from another side of the lockers and a familiar demanding voice seeming to piss everyone in the room.

"Why are you guys still hanging out in this room, it's disgusting and full of sweats in the atmosphere. God, bless you all. Now get the fuck out." Of course it's Regina. She's probably here to hook up with whoever douchbag she cheats on Aaron with. I know all about her dirty little secrets since we were young, she was never loyal to anyone but her.

Except she was alone, standing at the corner off the lockers which also happens to be my only way out of this place. Draping her hoodie loosely around her waist and has her gorgeous blonde hair in a bun, revealing her slender neck drenched with sweat lingering down to her back.

I notice that her cute halter top fits her body perfectly and match her pants as well, this might be the first time I am genuinely impressed at this sight, and one without jealousy and loathe too.

She looks kinda hot?

I snap out of it when she clears her throat and looks away when she notices I was staring a little bit too long on her body. I don't want to be labelled a creepy lesbian after all that shit that happened with her. Spare me the bullshit.

"Just give me a minute, I'll get the fuck outta here after I have my sweatshirt on." I say ignoring her total existence that's approaching me slowly from my left.

"Can you give me back that one minute then?" Is this her attempt at annoying me, cuz it's working. I slam my locker shut and look her in the eyes. "I'm done, you can have this room all to yourself doing god knows what now." I put my bag on my shoulder and try to get pass her but bitch isn't budging an inch.

"Regina, really? Will you excuse me?" She looks me dead in the eyes with that sweet cloudy blue eyes of hers and say "No. Not today. I've been excusing your attitude toward me for years Janis. I can't have you excused today as well." And I am freaking out because I am not 5 feet 7 tall as she grabs my arms and shove me onto the bench.

"That fucking hurt my ass." I say standing back up. "Don't be dramatic, it's cushion." She shoves me back down.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?! What do you want from me?!" I ask almost shouting but she shuts me up by placing a hand on my lips. Another one rests gently on my thigh, she's now squatting with one leg in between me and she has this playful smirk across her face again.

She loves beaming me that teasing smirk from time to time to annoy me and it is working for many years we have been enemies, up until now.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now