31 | Fallout Marriage (§)

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"I said don't move, Regina..." She gets up on her feet and places both of her hands on my arms.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on with you and Aaron, but if you want to tell me anything–  really, anything you need to get your mind off. I can be your shoulder to lean on, okay?" She seems scared, she should be.

"You think I do not know anything, you think I'm stupid?" I let go of the bat harshly and grab her injured hand, slightly squeezing below the area that her thumb has been cut as I push her against the island. "Fuck, I'm sorry!"

She places a hand on the island, tightly grabbing the side of the island to overcome the pain that comes from the rushing blood that flows out from her thumb that I'm still holding as my other arm still rests on her waist, the part where I used to push her.

"You're sorry?" I lick off the blood that's staining her hand and slowly place her thumb inside my mouth, as I watch her twitches as I suck on her pain.

"Then you better stay the fuck here while I get the first aid kit, don't make my day harder than it already is." I remove her thumb away from my mouth and noticing that she's swallowing a lump in her throat. "O-okay..." I hear she mutters under her breath.

I might be enjoying this for all I know.

"There... All good." I place back the things I used into the box of the first aid kid and walk away from her. "Thank you for this, this batman plaster is– really cute, yeah." I chuckle slightly when I heard her from the living room, making my way into the kitchen to pick up where I left off.

After I cleaned up the shattered vase and threw them in the bin, I go to the sink to wash my hands when Regina comes uninvited, chilling by the island.

I sigh softly before signing her to leave. "You can go home now, Regina. You're welcome." I had enough fun when I saw her blush as I treated her wound just now, Janis might hasn't noticed it yet, but our schoolmate right here is somehow gay and I could feel it.

It's fun teasing her but I can never forget how my marriage is going downhill due to same stupid excuse Aaron has been giving me.

"I'm going out with Regina."

"Honey, Regina needs my help with her car."

"Do you think we can move our plan to another date, I have a thing at Regina's."

I'm sick of those reasons.

"I still meant what I said earlier, you can always come to me if you need something, Cady." What else does she want from me?

I'm sorry, but this mama's anger issue is not to fuck around with. I've held it so well, but I can't just hearing her voice fucking with my mind all the time. The laughters, the fake concern, the friendly tone she uses, they all just mess with my mind every day and night I was with Aaron.

I see her face whenever I look at Aaron, and I can't even feel anything toward Aaron anymore when we're in the same room. Due to my anger, not only that he always refuses to have sex with me. On days he does, I refused him instead when all I could see is Regina's face and that darn smirk that turns me on so much it drives me insane the more I spend time around Aaron but think about her.

"Cady... Say something." I feel a hand is reaching my back as it strokes on it gently, sending a chill and heat through my spine that hits till it reaches my neck. "What the fuck..." I mutter under my breath as I close my eyes.

"What's that, babe?" She places another hand on my shoulder to turn me around.

As I turn and lock my lustful gaze with her, I see her unwavered attention towards me stays. "Why can't Aaron spare me the same amount of care and concern?" I feel tears are forming inside my eyes as I trail my hands slowly above Regina's chest to get a nice hold of her buttoned up shirt.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now