25 | Request! Catching Cold Doesn't Sound So Bad (G.W. x K.S.) §

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Hey I'm sorry if it's too long, but it's a cute chapter in my opinion hehe <3 hope you enjoy it!!!

Pairings: Gretchen Wieners x Karen Shetty (§)

Karen Shetty's POV

I slurped on my drink as I trailed behind Regina and Cady at the mall, couple of hours have passed and Regina still hadn't picked anything out yet for her family's dinner.

"How come is it so hard to choose anything decent?!" Regina grunted as she placed yet another pink dress back to its rightful sitting. I don't understand, she looked good in everything she tried out today.

Cady pulled the pink dress back and brought it up in front of Regina to imagine how she'd look like in it without having to waste our time at the dressing room. "You look great in everything Regina–" That's what I said! "Cady's right, maybe you don't need anything decent, let's go for a more glam look!" I clasped my hands together and Cady beamed me a smile as Regina walked away from us after rolling her eyes.

Cady put the dress back and sighed before we trailed Regina's track from behind, entering another boutique after boutique.

"Is thia glam enough for you?" Regina walked out from the dressing room and twirled around as she pushed her blonde wavy hair off her shoulder. If I was into girls, blonde girls would be it. I think Cady could relate because she's absolutely stunned right now, I had to smacked her arm lightly to wake her back to her senses.

"Y-you look amazing, Regina! Should we bring this home? Karen, what do you think?" Cady elbowed me and it hit my stomach because she was short and I swear, just a little more force she put into that action and I would've sprayed Regina with this cola.

"What do you think, Karen?" I tilted my head for a second to contemplate although I actually knew what to answer. "You look beautiful in pink but you know what color would make you look gorgeous?" Cady turned slightly facing me as she widened her eyes, but I didn't really know why. "What?" Regina asked, looking at her fingers non-chalantly.

"Blue!" I saw Cady's expression fell as she closed her eyes but Regina didn't see that as Cady wasn't facing her, only me. "Why couldn't you say that sooner?! We should go looking for blue dresses now!" She hopped on her feet enthusiastically and went back into the dressing room, ready to change and get out from the shop.

"You're really– why would you say that?!" Cady snapped at me and I felt terrible because I'm just starting to get it. "Now we're gonna be here for more longer than we need to! Gosh, you're unbelievable!" She walked away from me and I took a seat on the bench, thinking about how nice it could've been if Gretchen wasn't sick today, she would always stay with me and won't let me think I'm such an idiot just because I'm slow.

"I miss her..." I checked the messages on my phone and chose Gretchen's contact to call her.

"Hey, Karen... Why are you calling?" I slurped another from my drink can and placed it besides me on the table before answering a little late. "Just because..." I fixed my attention to the drink can and started to dwell into my own emotion. It wasn't really pleasant without Gretchen's presence here.

"Did you miss me? Oh my God, you miss me! I knew it!" She scoffed over the phone and my body reacted to the sound. "Are you okay?! How's the sickness going? I wish I was there with you..." I couldn't bear the thought of her not feeling well, because she had always been nice and taking care of me.

"I'm alright, I don't know how I catch this cold... But I'm getting stronger now that I get to hear your voice..." My heart made a skip when she said that and I didn't really know why... Maybe I just really miss her. "I miss you... I'm actually really tired because Regina has been dragging us non-stop to buy her dinner dress..." I confessed my thought.

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