17 | Indecisive Bitch (R.G. x G.W.) §

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Gretchen's POV

I squish flat the fat fries in my dish and mix them around with cheese sauce that I have put on the side. I have been messing around with my food for minutes now as Regina, Cady and Karen are chatting.

I don't wanna sound clingy, but the truth is I feel neglected these days since Cady came and hang with us. Whenever we are having sleepover at Regina's, she always brings up topic about Cady and how she wants to upgrade the girl to fit in our group.

While not acknowledging my presence at all these days. I don't know what's our relationship either, we make out a few times and she would invite me to her house without Karen too when she says in the group she's outta town with her mum, but she just lied that to cover up with Karen that she's been seeing me these past few months.

I don't know why she's so afraid at coming out, or why she made fun of Janis for being a lesbian last year when she has been hooking up with me way before that.

I honestly wouldn't mind being out if it means I can love her openly and freely, because she is my whole world. And I really wish she could see that.

"Baby, are you okay?" I turn my head to my side to look at the blonde, snapping me out from my daydreaming by asking that question out loud. I don't even know if she's calling me baby affectionately or just the way she does with her other friends, so I'm not sure what to feel.

"Yeah, Gretchen. Poor those potatoes, you should've given us that instead if you weren't gonna eat them." Karen makes a sad face, pouting while says that I roll my eyes. "Here, take em, all yours. Go on." I push the dish toward her and she pushes it back with a disgust look on her face.

"Hey, Gretchen. Talk to me, what's wrong?" Regina asks, looking concerned. "Really, Regina? You want me to tell you here? In front of everyone?!" I know I was whispering when I said it, but I notice Karen and Cady's faces fell as if a fight is about to break loose.

"Hey, hey... What's up with you today?" Regina grabs my wrist harshly when I try to stand up and get away from the table. "That hurts, Regina!" I pull back my wrist and rub on it softly to ease the pain. "Gosh, I don't know what's going on with you, will you please sit down?" Regina stands up as to match my action, and I'm now looking up to her, feeling small on the place I'm at.

"No... I don't want to, enjoy your lunches everyone, I have class after this!" I walk away, wiping the tears running down my cheeks and go to the bathroom.

I lock myself in one of the stalls and minutes later I hear footsteps coming in, telling everyone to get out.

"Gretchen, don't be such a child. Come out." I hear Regina demands me from outside the stall. "But I don't want to..." I said with my breaking voice, holding back my sobs.

"Cady and Karen are here, would you want them to comfort you, or not?" She asks again, and I went silent for a few seconds.

"Hi Karen, Cady... Would you please leave us both alone?" I open the bathroom stall and beam a weak smile to the both of them. And Karen hugs Cady by her shoulder saying 'Come on, they'll be fine...' knowing I'm close with Regina as friends.

"Be okay soon, alright?" Cady walks out with Karen after she rubs my arm softly giving assurance.

"See you later, Regina." Karen says and they close the door while I still keep my head down from the embarassment I'm feeling, standing before the one who made me emotional today.

I hear a sigh and I thought she is feeling disappointed with me and I cry harder, but she wipes my tears right away when they start running down and pulls me into a hug. She rubs my head softly as I lean against her chest.

"I'm with you now baby, just the two of us, like we used to. Please tell me what is it about so we can work on it, okay?" She kisses my forehead and pulls away to look at me.

"Like we used to right?" I say, gently removing her hands on me as I walk to the sink to wash my face.

"What do you mean by that, Gretch?" She crosses her arms as I saw it in the mirror and gets into a defensive mode. Typical Regina. God, I don't wanna be in a fight with her, but until when?

"We used to be together, it was always the two of us. Now it's Cady, Cady, Cady! And I know you've been hooking up with Aaron too, to make Cady jealous, and guess what!" I take in a few deep breaths and gather courage to look at her in the eyes. "I told Aaron that you're cheating on him with Shane Oman! Yes, I did that and I'm proud of myself!" I feel my body pressed against the sink when she has my neck around her grip. I turn my head in fear when her gaze turns dark as I confessed.

"What did you say?" Her cold tone set me off and my breaths turn shaky each time I let it out.

I try to gather my courage once again and lock my eyes with hers. "What am I to you, Regina? W-what are we doing? One day we are kissing and spending time like lovers, the next day we go back to being friends back. And for your information, you don't exactly pass as a good friend!" I say in my broken voice. She lets go of my neck and keeps a good distance between me and her, seeming unprepared to the questions I gave her.

"What are you talking about? Of course we are friends. That's all that we are right? You're overthinking it. And please, everyone would die to be my friend." She scoffs a laugh and I feel rage building up in my chest.

I charge toward her and grab the collar of her shirt harshly as she presses her hand on the stall out of shock. Another one placed tightly on my waist because I could've knock her off her feet if she didn't find balance in time.

"Gretchen, what the fu-" Her sentence was cut off midway when I pull her into a kiss and both of her hands are now tightening around my waist. I let go all the lust and desire that have been lingering inside me for weeks now and push the door to the stall to push Regina in.

As she gets stumbled onto the toilet seat, I close the door behind me and pull her back up to press my lips on her plumpy ones.

After exchanging a few kisses, she finally seems ready to take back control and she begins to slide her hands under my shirt, and caressing my bare back.

I let her move her lips down to my neck as she pulls my hair and sucks in my skin while I bite down the moan from getting out of my mouth.

I run my fingers through her blonde hair and let her makes her way down to my cleavage, but before she could remove my shirt away, I hold her hand weakly and make my statement.

"Now tell me, G. Do you do this with all your friends too?" I put forward my intention of initiating that impulsive action toward her as I watch her, feeling weak when I catch my breath.

"Gretchen... I don't mean to make you misunderstood this thing we have going on, but-" She turns defensive again and I push her away from me, bursting out from the bathroom as she calls for me.

I'm done with her, I'm totally done. I don't wanna be her secret. If there's something I need right now, is her full attention and declaration that I'm hers and she is mine.

I don't want to share Regina with anyone at all. "Gretchen, please listen..."

"I forgot my bag." I say as I open the bathroom door once again, seeing her still by the sink, looking frustrated as she is and I burst out after reaching my bag. Ignoring all the grunts and her calling out my name shamelessly in the bathroom.

"Indecisive bitch!"

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