19 | Tiny Kitten Latte (Reneé x Auli'i)

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A/N: This is fiction only. A diverse universe, perhaps.

Reneé's POV

The harsh sound of the alarm clock hitting the ground wakes me up instantly.

I turn my head around to get a gist of what might actually be happening. Is there a break in or an earthquake because I'm so ready to leave this shitty life, but I am disappointed to find that I have another money problem coming my way.

I guess I'll hit the shop to find new clock for my bed table.

I lazily take my phone to the bathroom and hit the quick shower, putting on my work clothes that consists of a cliché shit work shirts like buttons up and a pair of black trousers.

Oh well at least this job allows me to dress the stupid shirt however I like and I usually have my sleeves folded half and let few of the upper buttons off. Dude, I wanna look good everyday.

I didn't even have to tuck it in, so I don't really care. I pluck my earpods in when I'm outside, just after I lock down my small apartment and wear my helmet.

Safety before anything else, guys. At least I know my pretty face would be protected if I do crash my bike somewhere unfortunate.

I'm 30 minutes late, I'm sure I'm gonna get scolded for this, but mum is used to it. What she gonna do about it? Fire me?

She barely has enough workers for the cafe. Luckily I work here to help her out while doing my master's degree, it's not much of a nuisance to me, besides I get to enjoy making coffee on daily basis and I love this little life of mine.

After 5 minutes of doing my usual routine of putting up the open sign at the door, I go behind the bar and start making my own coffee. I vibe to the playlist I put on and try to draw a cat on my latte.

It is silly but what else should I do this early in the morning when there's barely anyone walking under this street.

Speaking of the devil, a dark brunette enters my cafe and sits at the bar, softly chuckling when she saw what a complete shit I've drawn on my latte.

"I love Hozi-." She says behind me but I can't hear her properly. "What's that baby?" She leans a little forward over the bar. "I said I love Hozier. It's cool that you play it on radio." Her comment brings a smile to my face. "Yeah, thanks. I love him too." I replied her briefly.

"What are you doing?" She asks me and I wipe my hands with a cloth nearby the machine. "Trying to shine light to my already depressing day, what bout you babe? You having anything today?" I take a sip of my one eye cat and beam a smile to the girl, with a little bit of the foam sticking above my lip. She chuckles as she notices it and I wipe my lips with the back of my hand, scoffing my throat.

"Um, I'm actually here for the job... But I've been waiting outside for an hour, I saw you coming into cafe just now and I didn't want to bother because you were still busy opening it. I thought I should wait..."

Fuck me. The newcomer comes today? I know mom said someone is coming in for the job but she didn't say it was a girl. Out of all day, how did I forget?! "I'm sorry, I should be honest about this, I overslept this morning. Should I make you a coffee to start your day, Miss...?"

"Auli'i Cravalho. You can just call me Auli'i, Miss Reneé..." She knows my name. And those damn brown eyes are literally drowning me whole right now. "That's sweet, Auli'i. Would you like a latte? My apology, really."

I see her eyes lighten up when I ask that and she hops off her seat to get to me. "You don't really need to be here, oh okay." I say, widening my eyes for a second out of shock because that's so sudden of her to switch on the machine as if she knows her way around it.

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