11 | Americans at Essex College (fluff)

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Janis's POV

"You talk to her yet? How is she doing?" Cady orders two glasses of milk tea at the other counter.

"She doesn't want to go out from the room. She's been crying all night they said. It's your guess." I ordered a plate of fried rice along with roast chicken for me and Cady and we go find a place to sit with our foods.

"Oh hello! It's nice to see you Cady." Gretchen walks towards us and greets Cady, pecking a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi Janis... Sorry, I didn't you there." She gives me a small wave. "We didn't know you guys were gonna apply here too." Karen says, looking dumbfounded. "It's a common talk between the girls, only few lucky ones could make it here." I raise my eyebrows and gaze them upside down. "I wonder how some got lucky though."

"Anyways, have you guys meet Regina yet?" Cady cuts the conversation off and switches the topic. "We did, yesterday." Gretchen swallows a lump in her throat, giving off an uncomfortable vibe to the position she's standing. "Yeah, she went all rogue on us. I love her." Gretchen smacks Karen on her arm and I look at Cady, tilting my head slightly to sign her to continue the conversation.

"Actually... Janis here would like you guys to take her back, because apparently they're rooming together. What do you say?" Cady places a soft grip around Gretchen's wrist and she softens her once tense body, taking a seat beside Cady while I scoot over, allowing a space for Karen to sit.

"It doesn't sound like a lovely choice, but accept your fate, yes Janis? I'm sure you guys would make great memories together." Gretchen beams a smile at me and I furrow my eyebrows at her response. "She is your best friend, why do I need to entertain her ass for the next 4 years?"

"You were too!? Come on, it'll be fun. Like the old times. She's not that bad, actually she is a total bitch sometimes. But we just want a moment of peace and freedom, it's not that we hate Regina. She misunderstood us." I grunt as I roll my eyes and stab my chicken with a fork.

"I told you not to put she farts a lot in the request letter!" Gretchen sucks in her teeth and kicks Karen's leg slightly under the table, causing her to winch beside me. "It's convincing, right?"

"But you lie, now she's mad at us." Gretchen leans on Cady's shoulder and the poor girl just had to tap on Gretchen's shoulder hesitantly. "She's not mad, she's just sad. You guys can still say sorry the next time you meet her." Cady comforts the girl.

"Now what do I do? She doesn't wanna come out of her room. My roommates said that she hasn't even eaten anything since yesterday." I sigh. "Well..." Gretchen stands up and Karen follows her. "She likes potato, if it sparks anything inside that beautiful rainbow head of yours, we gotta go. Enjoy living with her!" They take off and leave me with Cady to this mess.

"Sorry my ass." I put down my cutlery and look at Cady.

"It's funny how haven't changed a bit." Cady might thinks I did not realise it all this time, but I do notice the stolen glances she does whenever she looks at Gretchen from afar.

"Regina does a little bit, we actually become really good friends after school ended." Cady rests her chin in her hands on the table.

"Really? How come you didn't tell me this before?" I push the plate to the side because I've finished it.

"I didn't tell you because you're too focused on her wrongdoings toward you, you hate her so much. I don't think telling you would change anything."

"It might??? Actually, I don't know. Regina has been nothing but a Queen Bitch to me. How could anything change that?"

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now