18 | Indecisive Bitch (§)

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Gretchen has been hanging out with random people during lunch to avoid Regina, everytime Regina tries to confront her, she quickly move her feet away from the girl and rushes to class.

As powerful as Regina is, she's not the type to disturb a class she's not in for absolute no reason. Though she has a few for now, but that's just another level type of bitchy and Regina doesn't want to be known as that person.

Gretchen has been ignoring all of her messages too, and only gives excuses to Karen and Cady when they ask her about it.

"You know she's worried about you right? She keeps on staring at you during lunch, and that is uncomfortable." Gretchen repeats in her mind what Cady said to her during class.

"Cady said that?! Actually, it's true. She looks hungrier than ever when she looks at you and not her fries. She even took our fries!" Gretchen remembers what Karen said next and sighs softly under her breath as she gets her lunch at the queue.

She went lunch with Janis yesterday, and she felt comforted talking to her and Damien about her secret relationship with Regina.

She doesn't know who else to turn to except those that might be second to her at understanding Regina the best, and Janis was there to make sure of that.

She asked to have lunch with them too today, so Janis went to her after she finished getting lunch and offers to bring her lunch to their seats while Gretchen gets her drink can.

When she is just about to walk pass The Plastics' table, Regina stands up and the sound of the metal clanking makes Gretchen flinches.

"God, I can't stand this anymore." Regina pulls Gretchen by her wrist and pushes her on their table. "Regina, let me go. Don't make a scene in public!" Gretchen tries to get off as Cady and Karen look at them in shock.

"Fuck what they think! You know what I think?! I think you should stop acting like a brat and let me have this one conversation with you!" Regina pushes Gretchen's waist further on the table when she still attempts to get away. They start arguing and everyone switches their attention to the couple.

"What the fuck are they talking about?" Janis says at her seat, taking a bite from the apple in her hand. "I don't know girl, don't you ask me. But - that sure looks gay though." Damien crosses his legs when he turns to look at the dramatic scene going before his eyes.

"She is gay, she's just in denial." Janis laughs and returns her eyes back to the couple fighting few tables away from them.

"Regina, everyone is looking at us!" The worried girl, Cady stands up and try to calm Regina down by rubbing her arm.

"Cady! It's none of your business." Regina signs her to sit down by tilting her head and smiles forcefully.

"You don't want to make a public scene but you keep acting like this and have lunch with literally every stranger in school. How do you think I feel about that? Everyone keeps asking what's going on between you and me!" Gretchen looks at Regina feeling ashamed of what Regina cares about and scold her. "That's what you're so worried about?! What about me then, what about us? You're such hypocrite, Regina!"

"What do you want from me Gretchen?!" She finally shouts at the girl and Gretchen trembles at her tone, slapping Regina in return.

"Dude, that some serious shit!" Janis slaps Damien's arm playfully as she burst into laughter. Everyone gasps at the sight and start pulling out their phones to record whatever comes next.

"Don't raise your voice at me..." Gretchen's tears fall down her cheeks and she removes Regina's hands that are still sitting beside her thighs away from preventing her from going.

"You know what, screw this!"

Gretchen hears the mumble Regina said under her breath from behind her but she keeps on walking toward Janis.

"Gretchen!" Regina pulls Gretchen by her arm harshly. "Regina, enough is enou-"

Everyone starts taking picture and murmurs fill the room, they are shaken by what they witness that day. First, a fight between The Plastics breaks out. Second, they're watching a cliché friends into lovers trope on live.

It's not an everyday scene for North Shore high school.

Regina pulls away from the kiss she had with Gretchen and wipes the stain of Gretchen's red lipstick on her. "Listen, everyone. Nobody hits on Gretchen, let alone lay your hands on what's mine..." She pulls away from Gretchen and takes a few steps backwards, opening her arms in the air.

"I love her! I've always do, and I want her to be my girlfriend! What do you say, baby?" She said it clear and loud for Gretchen to hear because she finally gets it, that Gretchen wants that with her.

For them to be out and proud about their love for one another.

Regina walks toward the girl and softly linger one hand around her waist to pull her closer and another one to bring her chin up to look at her with those teary eyes of hers.

"What do you say, baby?"

She whispers this time and Gretchen greets her with a kiss, pulling her closer herself this time. No more pushing the girl away because she has missed her wholeheartedly since last week.

"Yes, I would love that..."

Regina deepens their kiss and slides her hand down to Gretchen's ass but stops when the crowd starts cheering for them and students screaming few comments about the two.

"Since when are you a lesbian?!"

"Is this allowed in school?! I'm gonna call Principal Duvall."

"They're lesbians, lesbianing together!"

"Shut up and just be happy for us bitch!" Regina shouts and everyone cheers for them once again.


"You guys look gorgeous together!!"

"We are so happy for you both!!"

"We been knew y'all gay, bitches!!"

The last one was shouted by Janis and that gained Regina's attention the most. "Well, you have been my biggest influence. My thank to you, Janis. We can be lesbian sisters now!" Regina pulls up a middle finger and Janis gives one back as she stands on her seat and chuckles.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now