8 | Attention On Me (Reneé & Auli'i) §

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Auli'i's POV

I cross my legs and sat my hand nicely on my lap, tilting my head a slight bit to the side every now and then as I swallow a lump in my throat to ease the feeling.

If there is no air-conditioner in this particular interview room, I'd probably be sweating visibly now.

"It's probably boo, you wh*re. I think it's just amazing." I unknowingly beam a line of smile that seems to cannot go down as I keep a steady and warm gaze on this blonde, sitting beside me. With her hands in air, brushing her nose slightly and sometime rest on the table, her fingers intertwining with one another, messing around with her rings as she keeps that smile on her face and complete interaction with everyone in the room.

When she turns to look at me, I catch a glimpse of her strawberry pinkish lips right away, licking her bottom lip as she displays out her perfect teeth at me and everyone just seems to disappear at this point.

It is indeed true, there is this quietness in this room and seeing it from a different perspective, I lose it while everyone is looking at me, they're waiting for me to say something but fuck, I can't get out from this bubble of distraction.

I notice the blonde is mouthing a blurry phrase to me but my attention was way long gone to even make sense of it. My eyes flutter and I nod away my thoughts. "Yes, honey?" I ask when she places a hand on my thigh.

"I know you're thirsty for me since last night, but..." She leans in, whispering these exact words to my ears before pulling back. "It's your turn baby." Her lips turn upwards amused from my mind dissociating from reality as I get too distracted by her. "Oh, I'm sorry." I place my hands on the table and begins to sort out my thoughts. "My favourite line is, uh..." I tilt my head again and I realise, I can barely form any coherent thoughts now. And that doesn't feel good. Not for me though, cuz Reneé is literally chucking at my side now.

"Gosh, I'm sorry, just listening to you saying that is hot.." Reneé burst out laughing and others too as I confess my fault in the interview and I feel my cheeks getting red as I feel silly at my own behaviour. "Oh, I have it now."

'So, you agree? You think you're hot?'

Reneé's POV

We've been here for almost half an hour just clinging our arms around one another as we share a few wet kisses under the dim light of Auli'i's house street lamp light.

I offered to give her a lift tonight but, I can do so much more for her than just that. We have been dating for less than two months now and the rumours about us are late going wild, but none of us care about it. I know I wouldn't mind it because who am I to say I do not get excited whenever I look at this woman.

To even believe that she's attracted to me the same way I do with her is crazy. One might loses her mind at the thought of it, I know I did.

"Auli'i baby, I think you look hot tonight." I say, moving my lips onto her neck as I'm done with bruising her sweet plumpy lips. I can feel her fingers around my hair and few of my strands get stuck between her rings when she playfully runs them up to bring my face loser to her skin.

"I fucking agree, Regina." I pull back and gasp jokingly when she said that and she leans back on her seat, catching few quick breaths from the moans she let out, draining all bit of her energy left that night, and smirks at me.

"I see what you're doing, baby." I say, crawling in front of her as I slide my hands under her thighs. "Mhmm..." She leans slowly towards me, her lips separated, I could feel her warm breath hitting my neck when I lean to her ear. "So you agree that you're hot?" I pulled her legs harshly and she fell under me, chuckling and covering her eyes with one arm. Gosh, she's cute when she does that.

She supports herself back with her elbows and I lean closer to place my lips in between hers.

"You can't deny it either, can you?" She says, lining a smile before it disappears when she crashes her lips on mine.

"We should get upstairs..."

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