7 | Make A Wish (R.G x C.H.) 18+

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A/N: They're in Regina's Jeep and sneak out to go stars gazing

Cady's POV

"Do you miss Kenya, babe?" She asks me as I return my attention back to her from the sky above us.

I'm grateful that she brings me here tonight because it's been exhausting with school and the girls keep on planning to hangout. You can say it's our little getaway, Regina and I. "I do miss the sky... You can see the stars so clearly at night, it was my routine to stare at the stars and make a wish every night, like my mother used to say..." Regina looks into my eyes with those blue eyes of hers, and it is nothing like the sky. "What do you wish for tonight?" She says, beaming a teasing line of smile for me.

She has eyes that its colour shines brighter than the vast unknown above us, secrets and mysterious that I do not think anyone has ever discovered. Not even her ex boyfriends, I think because this girl is not just a girl.

She hides away her soul from the crowd, rarely could you find the realest version of her anyway, but somehow the concern and genuine attention that she brings upon me tonight make me hope that I might be one of the luckiest people alive to have seen this side of her.

"Cady? Hey, what is it?" She questions again and I snap back to reality. "Oh, huh, it's a bit chill tonight, don't you think?" It's the truth, I can feel my hairs standing up from the cold creeping under my skin. "Take this, I can't answer your mom if she suddenly asks where did you get cold..." She removes the thick warm coat and places it on my lap. "You really didn't need to.." Regina tilts her head slightly as if I just offend her. "... But thank you, I appreciate this." I say, following up by wearing it on.

"You're a funny one, Cady. You know that.." I nervously chuckle because I'm not sure if I know what she mean by that. "What's so funny about me..."

"Cuz you blush too easily."

"No, I don't!" I scold her but with my soft tone because I don't wanna get her mad. But I was wrong, it just makes her laugh even more. "Prove it then." She stops and looks at me, placing an arm over the chair, and leans closer to me.

"I-" Regina smiles when my cheeks get red as I turn my head away. "Anyway, I don't blush easily." Regina chuckles and lowers the back of her driver's seat and stares up. "You know what I would wish for if I had believed this little story of yours when I was a kid?"

"What is it?" I lower mine and turn my body toward her as she looks at the sky. "It's so that I can accept myself truly for who I am and could allow others too." She replied, turning her body towards me. "I think... You are beautiful just the way you are... I'm sure a lot of people who truly appreciate you would see that too." I just blurted out whatever that comes in my mind, but I know my words are my truth, and seeing her smiles at me just makes me confident to always speak more genuinely from my heart. It didn't always need to mean something great, does it?

"Now tell me yours..." She says, looking at me in the eyes, sneakily taking a glance at my lips whenever she can. "It's silly." I giggle before furrowing my eyebrows, feeling embarrassed and return my seat at its normal position.

I shouldn't have done that because Regina follows me afterwards. "Come on, I promise I won't laugh." She places her hands around my thigh and wrist and it makes my stomach twirls by an unknown feeling. I never had anyone touch me this close before, even Janis only crosses arms with me or hug me from the side.

"I just want to have my first kiss?" Her amused smile suddenly turns confused. "Wait, you never had your first kiss?" She tilts her head again. "I told you! It's embarrassing."

"No, it's not. Okay what about Aaron then? Aren't you guys dating?" Regina told Aaron that I like him at the Halloween party, even set up a date for us both. But after going to the date with Aaron, I realise that I might not be that into him. He just happens to be the first boy that I actually consider handsome at school and it made me felt a little excited being close with him until I wasn't.

What is for me now is being in this jeep with the hottest girl at school, with a heart like gold. Rare and expensive to be obtained. "We didn't. I think I don't like him that way."

Regina sighs shortly, and return her gaze back at me that is already waiting for her response.

"Do you still wanna get that kiss though?" She asks with a clear intention that I do not know of yet. "Of course I do, but what if I am bad at it when I do get the chance to kiss someone?"

"You won't."

I notice she's been licking her bottom lip since just now while catching glances at mine. "How would you know that?"

"Because your first kiss would be mine." She says, leaning in and stops before her lips could reach mine, just an inch away and she says "will that be okay?" She tucks away a strand of my hair back behind my ear and I smell a fresh minty scent came from her breath, I think she's a little bit prepared for this. I saw this scene came a lot on American Movie Drama, but I don't really know how to act in one.

"What do I suppose to do, Regina?"

I ask, grabbing her white collar slightly as I lean back on the door. "Just let me in..." She says, pulling me by my waist and crashes her lips on mine. Just before I could take another leap of breath, I feel her hand reaches for the zip of my jeans. "Can I take this too then?"

I moan in between our kisses before she makes her way down and send a few kisses to my soft neck that has never been touched by anyone before.

"Just do whatever you want with me, I'm all yours tonight." I say, grabbing her hair, neatly placed in between my fingers.

"I'll make sure you would want me every single night, baby." She returns back up and take my lips in between her soft ones. Sliding her fingers smoothly under my underwear and reaches my curtains and clit in no time spared.

"Fuck me."

"Sounds like a good wish."

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now