6 | She's Back Bitches (§)

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A/N: This is a bit long, I'm sorry, I'm just tryna finish this story in three chapters max. Enjoy hehe <3

Cady looks over her shoulder to see if Janis is still occupied with whatever she is doing before switching back her attention at the notifications she got from her girlfriend. "Try the ripped jeans, God it's gorgeous!" She says, attempting to distract Janis that already is since three hours ago, and it almost 7 p.m. there, they still haven't chosen yet what to wear tonight.

Gretch Baby
: Get here soon, please. I'm missing you a lot!

Cady Hero(i)n
: Miss you too baby, but we are still picking suitable clothes for us to wear, I wanna look my best in your eyes :)

"I've tried everything, nothing looks sexy slutty enough for Regina's theme, God this sucks!" Shouted Janis from the other side of the room. While the girl is still busy lurking for cute clothes in her closet, Cady is busy with other thing.

Gretch Baby
: You always look good in anything you wear, babe. Especially when you're without them ;)

"Is it too hot in here? I can lower the AC temperature if you want? Come 'ere. Gosh you're so red..." Janis walked up to Cady and places her forehead on hers. "Like freaking burning, Cady, what's going on? You still good coming to Gina's party tonight?" She moves her head away and places her hand on Cady's forehead and both her cheeks next.

Cady gets flustered because she never experiences romance in her life before, having flirted by a hot girl like Gretchen is certainly new and she's worried that Janis is going to notice that she's blushing at the screen. "HAHA, n-nothing... Phewh it's kinda hot in here, maybe that's a good idea!" She says, stretching herself over the bed to grab the AC remote control and lower the temperature herself.

"Okay, then. Just help me out please, or we're both gonna be late." Janis says, walking back to her closet while Cady is laying down on her bed, facing up, typing something on her phone.

Cady Hero(i)n
: Baby! I'm serious... Hold that thought, I'm still stressing over this and it seems that Janis is too because she has thrown at least 6 outfit on and still hasn't decided on anything yet.

Gretch Baby
: Ugh! Regina just posted her outfit for tonight, let me share it to you. Maybe then you guys might have an idea?

@reginageorge1001 getting reborn tonight baby!

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@reginageorge1001 getting reborn tonight baby!

Cady Hero(i)n
: Baby, you're so smart. I love you!

Gretch Baby
: You owe me a kiss, see you tonight 💋

Cady quickly hops away from Janis's bed and hugs her shoulders from behind. "I know what we're gonna wear tonight, OMG!" Janis chuckles at the girl's randomness and makes eye contact and raising her eyebrow, signalling that she is ready for whatever Cady's brilliant mind has got to say. Cady pulls Janis to her bed and they roll around, laying on their stomachs.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now