24 | Destroying My Pride (R.G. x C.H.) 18+

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T/W: Unconsented Sex, Physical Abuse. Do not read it if you't can handle it. I mean it. I love all of you and wouldn't want you to feel triggered.

What else could go wrong tonight?

Cady Heron's POV
I lay my head against the couch, facing upwards as I completely surrender my body on it. I feel embarassed, destroyed and defeated. For the first time in my life, I faced a lot of things at once, every single mistake I did catch to to me in ways I never imagine.

What's wrong with me?

I lay down and curl myself up on the couch, a trail of tear fall down from my eye, staining the makeup Gretchen did for me early this evening with the smudge eyeliner.

God, I don't care of I look anymore, there's no one around. I feel like the most terrible person tonight, I hurt people.

"I hurt Aaron and Janis... What's wrong with me?..."

I fix myself on the couch almost immediately when I hear steps were approaching me, and to my surprise, a figure which is bigger than mine pulls my hair and pushes me onto the ground. I'm now covered in ocean of red cups and spilled beers.

"They weren't the only ones you hurt, bitch..."

Regina showed up in her tracksuit, in my living room, didn't I lock the door already? I don't think so because I would've known if I did, even in this state.

"Regina... I can explain-" In my attempt to get her attention, pleading as I was on my knees, she didn't buy it. "Shut up, whore..." She pushes me onto the floor and force a full grip of my hair in her hand. "I don't fucking wanna hear a thing coming from your mouth... All you do is lie Cady, you betrayed me..."

"Please... You're hurting me..." I've never been so scared in my life before, all I'm praying is for Janis or Aaron to come back and save me from whatever this is. If there's someone that knows Regina better than I, it would be them.

Her fierce gaze is completely pinned on me, I made a mistake. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!

Tears fell down my cheeks, but more over this time. "That's pathetic, don't do that Cady..." I can't form any coherent thoughts, I just want to get away from this situation, I'd do anything, I'm terrified, just... Let me go...

"Regina, please... I'm sorry, it was my fault okay?" Forcing a smile on my face, I place my soft grips on her shirt, desperately pulling it to show her how much I'm sorry for everything I did. "You say sorry now, you'll just do it all again. I can't let you betray me twice, Cady... I need to teach you a lesson..."

"PLEASE REGINA! I-I'll do anything for you! Anything! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" She pulls my hair to the back harder and made me winch in the slight pain I'm feeling from the tight squeeze of my hair in her grip. "You're hurting me... I was never gonna hurt you Cady..." A warmth breath hits my neck, her words sounded closer than ever in those whispers.

As I support myself with my arms beside me, hers are neatly covered on my hips and neck. A relief is felt when my hair is no longer experiencing intense pull. But I wouldn't say thus situation is any better, because she doesn't seem to be finish with me yet.

"Regina... You won't hurt me would you?" I hold myself together, refusing to shudder as I feel a warm trail of her tongue and kisses begin to explore my exposed neck.

"I would never hurt you, Cady... I like you..."

'Wh-what are you talking about?' I'm defeated. I can't face her when she starts getting upset again, I turn my face away from her to not look at those dark orbs of hers.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now