30 | Fallout Marriage R.G. x C.H

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A/N: How lovely of you guys for many suggestions I got in the previous chapter <3 here's a little gift for y'all, see ya later!

Was last night good? I wonder what she's thinking right now, putting on a lovely expression while she's having a feast in my home. How couldn't we ever get rid of her in our lives? She's been around for too long for God knows whoever's sake it is for.

I keep on telling Aaron that I'm uncomfortable with his friendship with Regina. We've been married for ten years now after we graduated at my 25th birthday, coincidentally the college picked out the same date.

We have two children, Michael and Marilyn, they took after me, which you can make sense of their cute big eyes. Awh, they're my heart.

But lately I've been feeling off about Aaron.

"One night is all I'm asking! Why can't you just hang around with us for just one night?!" I scolded him last weekend, we were supposed to have our monthly dinner and he wanted to bail on it due to same stupid reason.

"I'm gonna hang with Regina and others tonight, didn't I tell you this before?" How dare he sigh before me. "Didn't I tell you no?! We have a fixed schedule, why can't you just follow one simple rule for once in your life!!!" I was at my limit when I threw the antique vase I brought from Kenya to decorate my home at him, I'm sorry mum.

"Oh my God, Cady! You're so annoying, it's just a dinner, we can do this some other days!" I know I was on my period last week, I'm a lot better now but he always blames me over his stupid hangouts that had contributed nothing good but his absence to this family.

We barely even have sex anymore!

He's such a good father to my children, but you can't blame a woman to be sexually frustrated and unloved when you denied her all the affection for the last three years!

That night didn't go well, and I've harboured hatred for Regina ever since that accident.

Back to the recent, watching her mischievous smile creeps on her face just makes my blood boils as Aaron laughs by my side. I can't focus on anything they talk about, as if there's anything important to discuss anyway.

"Would you like some pie, Cady?" She asks forward as she scoops a piece of the pumpkin pie I made this morning. "I can do it myself, it's my pie." I say that to her but I still reach out my plate for her to place it in while others go quiet from my reaction to Regina's sudden act of kindness.

Not soon after though, the atmosphere goes back to normal and it just annoys me more and more.

The lunch goes smoothly as I watch everyone leaves the house after thanking us as the host of this small gathering. "I'll see you around, alright?" Janis loosens the hug and walks away from our yard.

I make my way back into the kitchen to clean up and place the plates in the sink, only to be disappointed when Aaron comes to tell me he's going out, yet again.

He could never be in the same house with me that long, isn't he. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I let go of the last plate intentionally and it falls down on the ground, making a loud shattering sound as I watch Aaron looks at me with frustration in his eyes.

"What the hell, honey? Tell me, why are you acting like this."

"Oh fuck off, Aaron. Don't act like you don't know what turns me like this." I remove the apron I'm wearing and toss it on his face as I walk away into our bedroom upstairs.

I hear his yelling downstairs, seeming trying to get my attention into an argument with him but I'm too tired to even do anything right now.

It's fortunate that my babies are spending the weekend over with their grandma, so I wouldn't worry that they're gonna get caught up in the adults' fight.

I sit down on my bed and lay my body to rest. I can feel my love toward him has started to fade, and all is left is rage.

Rage, made of hatred for his behaviour towards me. Anger that's waiting for so long to unleash itself into this world, I can't remember the last time I had this much anger.

Suddenly, a flash of moment in my life plays in my mind. A memory from when Regina kissed Aaron in front of me and asked if he looks good with his hair pushed back.

He looks fugly with his hair pushed back. Ugh! Out of all time, why must my head goes back to that day. This icks me every time and it does not makes me feel in any way better.

"Who's there?" I hear a shattering sound come from downstairs, and someone's whining like he – wait, it sounds like a woman's voice, hurting from whatever pain that causes it.

"Who the hell is in my house?" I softly call out as I make my way down the stairs. Aaron left awhile ago and everyone also left, so whoever that might be, I don't think I'm gonna like this.

I see a baseball bat is sitting nicely, leaned on the mirror table we set in the living room and I take it in my hands. If it is a robber, I might as well be armed.

"Hey! Who's there?!" I place the baseball bat above my head, I was ready to risk it all and then I realise the figure slouching on the ground is a long-haired blonde that I know so well.

"Woah! Woah! Wait– I still have a long life ahead of me, please calm down!" She brings up one hand in the air and another still on her thigh, her fist is clenching while a drop of blood falls down from her hand.

"Regina, what are you doing here?" I place down the bat on top of the island and observe around her sitting. Was she cleaning up after my mess?

"I was outside when you two argued, and I hid in the bush when I heard Aaron yelling– I'm sorry, I'm not tryna be a creep, I just forgot my phone and I sorta found this mess here. Thought I could clean a little as a token of my gratitude for the lunch? You cooked very well by the way, I love your honey buttered chicken and your pie!" I keep on my dull expression as she keeps talking because in all honesty, I am not in the mood to see her face.

She is kind of the reason why I've been feeling shit these days, and how dare she puts that smug face on and enters my house without my permission.


"Um... Yes, Cady?"

"Don't move..." I say, watching her eyes trailing my movement as I place a neat grip on the baseball bat once again.

"Cady–" She smiles nervously and seeing that just amuses me, turning my bored expression into a boost of excitement as it shows from my smile.

"I said, don't move Regina..."

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now