33 | Request! Janis's Downfall (R.G x J.I. angst)

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Author's Note: It's a request and it's probably gonna be heavy in the next chapter, so I hope everyone's fine and if you are not and if you're worried that you might be triggered, I kindly advise to not read this chapter and the next. I love you all <3

Trigger Warning: Self-H! Internalised Homophobia.

Janis Imi'ike's POV

Everybody has different look and specialty when it comes to fashion and no one ever questions it except for dorks.

These influencers and artists are so expressive in their own ways and are always unapologetically themselves, people love them. Fans do and I dream to become them as well.

But that's the thing, the reality is so much different for a teenager especially when we are queer.

I couldn't even admit to myself for almost the whole year I was bullied for being accused as a lesbian by none other than my own best friend, Regina George.

Was I queer, a lesbian as she told everyone that I was? I am, but it was hard to acknowledge that special part of me. All I could felt when I was faced with those accusations that turned out to be real was shame.

Disgust, disappointment, despair.

Big triple D and dick definitely isn't in the group.

I got so much better when I came back to school for freshman year and I will never forget how kind Damian has been throughout my days in that particular period of time.

Although that being said, habits are not technically removable, at least not that easy.

"Regina is not your friend, how many times do I have to tell you Cady?!" I acknowledge the raise in my tone when I speak to her and quickly apologise after because I didn't mean to make her shocked at my reaction. "But she is nice to me..."

"Nuh uh, babe. Regina is not nice, remember Mother Gothel?" Damian switches his attention from his newly manicured nails to Cady, noticing how clueless she looks right now.

"Um, Lady Tremaine? Evil Queen? Maleficent?"  Cady keeps on shaking her head signing that she doesn't know any of them and we both sigh really hard at her limited childhood experience.

"Oh My Goodness, Cady. We should really spend some nights together to catch you up with these disney villains, anyway, they look sweet and beautiful on the outside but rotten in the inside. Regina is a disney villain princess, you should never trust a smirk like hers!"

"That's too harsh... She's not that bad, she gave me these heels," We take a quick look at the heels she pulls out from her backpack and restraint our laughs from coming out. "Cady, sweetie... These aren't your shade, respectfully."

Cady tilts her head, still trying to make sense of what Damian just said and look at me for another comment. "They're obviously wanted to make fun of you, Caddy."

"It's Cady,"

"Cady! Come on, you can't even walk in 2 inches heels, how do you think you're gonna pull off a 4 inches heels right on the day she gifted you these?" I scold her, remembering how silly she looks with those heels on the first day she got them. If she thought we didn't notice because she had switched them during lunch, she was so wrong.

We were in the hallways when she got out from calc class, failing at her so many attempts to speak with Aaron outside of class. I got second hand embarrassment but I won't say anything to hurt her feelings, falling for the Queen Bee's handsome pawn is a canon event for a new girl, I can't interrupt it.

"Okay, but why do you hate her so much?"

"....." I pull down the mask covering my face that I had during Halloween night at Damian's, and he pulls out a box behind the television as he looks for something.

"Janis, I think we should tell her." He puts forward a cute pony doll I had few years ago on the table and I snatch it away before throwing her far from us. "Why do you still keep that trash?! Didn't you say you will throw it out for me?" I accidentally yell at him while standing up and he struggles a second to calm me down.

"Janis, come on. The girl is confused, and I think it's better if we just tell her what really happened between you and Regina... Would you please sit down?" I take a seat beside Cady as she puts her hand in mine to ease my tension and it works.

I remove the mask away and place it on the couch between Cady and I and let go of her hand.

"Whatever, just make it quick." And it did not go as smooth as I thought, the movie night went terrible, accompanied with me having my breakdown while I joined into the conversation to explain furthermore the bad things that happened to me while I was handling myself getting bullied from left and right.

Cady sympathised with me and we did hugged for the night, but when it all became clear to her, she decided to take part in our revenge party.

Nothing could make me more happy than that.

We did so many things in the next couple of weeks, and when I thought I was just about to get off with all this mess, Cady didn't want to stop. She seems to be having so much fun at ruining Regina's life, and I wouldn't say it is that enjoyable anymore.

Especially not when she is hosting a damn party right on the night I invited her to my event, I guess, I was never important to anyone at all.

"It's not my fault, you're like obsessed with me!" She is fucking done. "Honey, you did not!" Damian says and the rest of the crowd gasp along with him.

"See? That's the thing with you plastics, you think everybody is obsessed with you, when actually everybody hates you!" I do not realise that some of them are actually recording my fight with Cady, considering how mad I am, of course I don't.

"Buddy, it's not pretend, you're as plastic as they come," She called us plastics! I'm gonna cry. I heard Gretchen whines to Karen but who cares.

"You think your shit don't stink, you think the rest of us are dumb," I circle around Cady as I spit out my thoughts. "I hate Regina's guts, but here's what you don't comprehend, at least she has a gut, to not to pretend to be my FRIEND!"

I'm so cooked, when I mention Regina's name, everyone stays for awhile before walking away when shits got real at the end. "Janis, I didn't mean–"

"Here have this, you win the reward, no it's fine! Really fine! Go be with your real friends." I say, leaving everyone including Damian behind. I think I did told them during the night I confessed my past to Cady that one of my stupid raging way of coping is shutting myself out from everyone. And I can feel it, darkness creeping in again.

Once again.

RATHER BE MEAN | Regina George X Janis Imi'Ike ( and others )Where stories live. Discover now