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'Okay.' Jungkook gulped down his coffee, and then slapped the table so hard that most of the things jumped off it slightly, and then he turned to me. 'Let's go.'

'You mean-'

'Yep. If I don't go now, I never will.'

'Where are you going with half the legs?' Jin scolds him

'None of your business, mom.' Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Jin, ending up with a bun in his face

Children. I live with children. 

'Seriously, though. Where are you off to?' Namjoon asks him this time

'I had a therapy session with an equally disturbed individual, and decided to finally visit my family.'

Namjoon's eyebrows raised up in shock as he looked at Jungkook, then at me, then back at him. 'You're-you're going? After all this time? And he's going with you?' He points at me

'Yeah. Apparently, it can help.' Jungkook smiled at me a little

'Well, then. I don't know what to say so I'll just tell you not to trip and break your other leg. He can't carry you anymore.' Namjoon points at me

I just rolled my eyes at his poke at me being skinny for a millionth time, and got up from the table. I've only seen this much nagging in movies.

As confident as he seemed when he dragged me out, now that we're in the car on the way to them, he's getting nervous and fidgety. He's looking out the window quietly, biting on his nails. He might chew threw his thumb there.

'If you're not ready, we can always turn back.' 

'I will never be ready. But I think what you said made sense. I won't lose anything by trying. Except my sanity.'

'You're talking as if you have any of that left.'

'Good point. Fuck you.' He nodded for each of his answers, making me chuckle a little

'Well, we're here. Last chance to go back.'

'Nah. I'm doing this.' He nodded again, looking through the windshield at the gates of the graveyard ahead of us, and then he got out. 

For a while, we just walked in silence, the only sound being from the pebbles crunching under our feet. His crutches left small holes in the path, and he barely even looked up. I think he was counting the holes on the way to distract himself.

There were not many people here. It was early in the morning, and extremely quiet, as you'd expect of such a place. Just tombstones, graves, and flowers as far as eyes can reach. 

'Do you know where they are?' 

'We walked past them.'

I stopped walking and looked at him, thinking if maybe I should push him over into one of the holes that are dug up a bit behind him.

'I couldn't. I chickened out.' He sighs

He took a few deep, long breaths, and then turned the opposite direction. 'Right. I can't pussy out now.' And then he started walking back

I followed a few steps behind, trying to let him have his privacy. I know I'm here with him, but I have nothing to do at his family's grave.

He finally came to a halt in front of a simple, black tombstone, with two names on it. There are no flowers or lights on them. They are not even kept clean. It's clear no one came here in years.

'Uhh-Hi, Mom. Dad. Sup?'

Silently judging him at his awkward hello, I sat down on a bench further away, pretending I'm not there.

MERCENARY 3: Descent into Madness |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now