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I swear this room is 10 degrees colder than any other room in the house. Maybe not the torture chamber, but this isn't far off. Maybe it's all the metal. All the blades and knives. The tables covered with weapons. Or it might be the open space that seems so endless. But despite the temperature, I was overheated.

I kept fumbling my throws, and I had no one to blame but myself. And him. Actually, definitely him.

It's the way he handles those sharp blades so elegantly. The way this fingers slide across the sharp tip of the blade, yet they go unscathed. How the knife seems to melt into his hands, making it a part of him, and then, in a blink of an eye, he shows you exactly what he can do.

I watched him throw out his own knives, repeatedly hitting the same spot over and over and over again.

'Want me to take my shirt off if you're going to continue eye-fucking me?' He threw another blade, then turned towards me with a smirk

'You really wanna test me now when I'm holding knives?' I raise my eyebrow at him

He scoffed cockily and slowly made his way over to me, stopping only when I had to look up at him. 'Considering how you missed most of the targets, I don't think I've got much to be afraid of.'

'Is that so?' I pressed the tip of my blade to his stomach and slowly dragged it upwards to his chest. He didn't even flinch. On the contrary, he kept that smirk on, even tilting his head a little to watch me

'Would you like some help?' He murmurs

'Are we still talking about the knives?'

His hand laid over mine and gripped the blade tighter as he walked completely into me, pinning me to the metal table behind me. 'That is entirely up to you.' He breathed the words down my neck, the rasp in his voice making me flutter my eyes closed

'Turn around.' He murmured into my ear, and before I knew it, I had his chest pressed to my back, and his weight pressing my body to the table. 'Take a knife.'

'I don't think I can throw like this.' I tried to keep the smile hidden, but I felt my lips twitching

'You gotta learn to work with the distractions, baby. Let me help you with that.' His hands caged me in between his arms, his whisper warming my ear

'There's no space.' I swallow

A rippling shudder shook my body as his tongue flicked over my earlobe, his breath even hotter now that the skin was wet. 'There's plenty.'

As if to prove a point, he pressed up against me completely, humming as he nibbled on my earlobe. I could feel his lips stretching into a small smile as the blade I had in my hand clattered on the metal surface.

'Pick up the blade.' Another hum, another tremor of my body in response. But I took the blade, and grasped it firmly.

'Be gentle with it.' Taking my hand into his, he squeezed it a bit until I loosened my grip with a heavy sigh. 'There you go. Good girl.'

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why the fuck did I ask to go throw knives?!

'Go on. Throw it.'

Pretending, or trying to pretend that he's not speaking each word right into my ear, and that his lips are not grazing me, I lifted the knife and took aim.

Just as I was about to let go, he kissed my neck, and not softly either. He nearly bit into it, and the blade that I threw ended on the ground, only 7 feet ahead or so.

'That's cheating.' I scold him

'Is it?' Grinding into my backside, his hand went around to wrap around my stomach, and pressed me to him completely. 'I call it distraction.'

MERCENARY 3: Descent into Madness |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now