Chapter 1'884

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Are you guys done with the vacuum Riley asked coming in. Yeah we're done, do you need it I asked her. Yeah, we just finished cleaning up our room all we need to do is vacuum she said.

Us too, though we are all done vacuuming Jake said, unplugging the vacuum and passing it over. Thank you she said taking it.

No problem I said, as she left the room with it. Are you guys done already Topanga asked coming in.

Yeah, we just finished Jake said. Good, one room down several more to go she said. Riley and Joey are just about done too I think, I said.

Yeah, I saw her come grab the vacuum Topanga said chuckling. Little miss coughing in her sleep drew all our attention for a second. I see little miss is taking a nap she said.

Yeah, she was getting sleepy so I read her a story and she was out halfway through Jake said. Poor baby, she must be very tired Topanga said.

She is fight a cold, sleep is definitely what she needs I said. That is true, just keep a close eye on her Topanga said. We know, we are Jake said.

Has her little lamb with her and everything Topanga said in awe. Of course, can't forget the lamb I said chuckling.

Ok, I better go check on Cory, I have both boys tidying up our floors she said. So in other words they're probably playing sock basketball I said chuckling.

Wouldn't be surprised if one hit me in the head when I walked back in she said chuckling going to walk out. Fair enough Jake said chuckling. Bye I said when walked out.

Bye she said back, walking down the hallway to her own room. After a few minutes we heard her say ow. Yep, she got hit I said chuckling. The way she saw it coming to Jake said chuckling.

I mean it's Cory, it's not a shock I said chuckling. True Jake said chuckling, as he wrapped his arms around my waist. We have kicking I said chuckling touching my belly.

Somebody wants dadas attention, Jake said chuckling placing his hand over mine. These kicks are getting super strong I said smiling.

Yeah they are Jake said smiling, before giving me a kiss on the lips. I love you gorgeous Jake said smiling. I love you too handsome I said smiling, kissing him again.

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