Chapter 1'945

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Hey girls, are you nearly ready mom asked. Yeah, just about Demi said. Don't rush, take your time Paris said. Yeah, we have all day Kelli said chuckling.

We gotta figure out what we are doing today anyway Lucas said. Well it's still pouring out, so probably something indoors dad said.

Obviously we still have to be mindful of little miss and her cold too mom said. We'll figure it out I said. Yeah we will Maya said, wiping Abby's face with a tissue.

And we are done Shannon said, standing upright from the side of the bed. That was so much work Demi said. At least someone didn't jump on your freshly make bed, Joey said looking at me.

That was you, and I made you fix it I said chuckling. I know she said chuckling. Moving on, are you girls ready to go dad asked. Yeah, let's go Shannon said.

Ok, everyone out mom said as we started walking out of the room. They followed behind us and after a few moments we finally made it out.

Who's next Zay asked. Farkle and Ceci Sarah said, walking over to there door. She opened it, poking her head in to make sure it was appropriate before she let us all in.

Once she was sure, she opened the door more letting everyone in. What are you too doing Kelli asked as we came in.

I took my bandage off to shower and now Ceci is trying to put it back on farkle said.
It's not going well she said, accidentally dropped in.

Here, I got it scoot over dad said. Ok she said doing as she was told and he quickly re-wrapped farkles foot.

It still looks pretty swollen, I hope you didn't brake your ankle Shannon said. I don't think it hurts enough for it to be broken he said.

Still, we may need to get you an X-ray just to be sure mom said. You could call Nathan, see if he has an opening so you could quickly do it Jake suggested.

Yeah, either that or urgent care but Nathan is probably faster jack said. I'll give him a call in a little bit mom said.

Sounds like a plan, now are you ready for the day apart from that Sarah asked. Yeah, we're ready smackle said.

All done, how's that dad asked farkle. Grate, thank you he said. You're welcome dad said grabbing his crutches so he could get up.

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