Chapter 1'889

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I'm not in trouble farkle said chuckling. Yet, not in trouble yet Jake said chuckling. Anyway, would you guys like some help Shannon asked. Sure Smackle said.

If we split up into teams, it will go faster Demi said. You heard her people, let's get this done joeys said. We split into groups of two and got to work.

Maya and farkle sat on the bed to sort out the jewellery, while the rest of us worked on the floor. Once all the dirty clothes were in a pile, the room was looking a lot better.

Wow, it actually doesn't look too bad in here mom said coming in. Because most of the mess is right there I said chuckling, pointing at the pile. Geez she said chuckling.

And that's only the start of it, I'm a little afraid to look in the closet Jake said chuckling. That's the next problem Sarah said chuckling. Is your room clean Shannon asked mom.

Yeah we just finished, Cory's just giving the floors a quick vacuum she said. And I suppose your board now Maya said chuckling.

Little bit, so I figured seeing if you kids need help would give me something to do she said chuckling. Before you help us, I suggest you go check on the boys Shannon said chuckling.

Yeah, they're being real quiet right now Sarah said chuckling. I don't wanna know she said chuckling, before going to check on them.

She came back a few minutes later, looking a little surprised. Well, is there room clean I asked. Surprisingly yes, they still have a long way to go but it's looking a lot better mom said chuckling.

How far have they got Maya asked. They've gotten everything off the floor, but they really need to vacuum and maybe mop in there mom said.

Well that's not so bad Shannon said. No it's not Joey said. Ok, where can I help mom asked. How about to start with we take some of this dirty laundry to the laundry room Jake suggested.

I got it, Riley give me a hand please she said. On it I said getting up, and grabbing the other half of the pile. 

Once we had it all, we walked out and down the hallway with it. You ok Riley she asked me. Aside from barely being able to see over this, I'm good I said chuckling.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now