Chapter 1'978

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Actually can you grab my water two babe I asked. Of course my love he said passing it over. Thank you I said grabbing it and having a drink.

Once both of us were done we passed our water bottles back to Jake. Ok, now are we ready to swing Jake asked playfully.

Push us daddy I said chuckling. Push dada Abby said excited. As you wish princess Jake said, giving the swing a nice push so we were moving at a decent pace.

While we were swinging Abby was all giggles, snuggling her booty into my lap. As we slowed down she said dada more. More push ok, Jake said giving us another push.

Wow, what's happening here Shannon said chuckling as she walked past. The girls are having a swing Jake said chuckling.

Yeah, is that fun she asked chuckling. Very fun, isn't it Abby I said chuckling. Yeah, she squealed giggling.

First time on a swing is going very well by the looks of it she said chuckling. I think we're having the time of our little lives I said chuckling, kissing Abby's head.

Mama she said giggling. Abby I said chuckling back. Ok, I gotta keep going Sarah is apparently stuck in the rock wall she said chuckling as her phone beeped.

How I asked chuckling. Her shirt is stuck or something, she needs an extra hand to free herself Shannon said chuckling.

Go help her, before she actually rips it I said chuckling. Fine, she said chuckling, walking away from us. How does that even happen Jake asked chuckling.

I'm guessing maybe she slipped a little bit, then pulled herself up and realised she was stuck I said chuckling. That does kinda make sense, it's not impossible to get stuck on those things Jake said.

Exactly, anyone could have got stuck I said. Ok, if you're ok for a second I just need to go use the bathroom Jake said.

Yeah go, we're good dada aren't we Abby I asked her. Yes mama she said giggling. I'll be back in a few minutes he said chuckling, walking away from us.

Mama Abby said, looking up at me. Yes princess I asked her. This is fun she said, pointing at the swing. It is, is it relaxing I asked her. Uh huh she said giggling. Uh oh, I think someone has a case of the giggles I said chuckling, tickling her belly.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now