Chapter 1'834

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Once me and Joey were in our bedrooms I shut the door, locking it behind us. After it was locked, I turned around and Joey immediately pulled me closer to her. What's this for I asked chuckling as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

Can't I just hug my sexy girlfriend because I love her she said chuckling, wrapping her arms a little tighter around my waist. Your nose is sunburn I said chuckling a little.

I know, is that the only spot I am she asked. Turn around I said. She turned around to show me her back and I looked.

You're a little burnt on the back of your neck but that's it I said. Not too bad she said turning back around. What about me I asked her.

Turn around she said so I turned my back to her. Your neck is a little red but that's it for you she said. I turned back around and she wrapped her arms back around my waist.

The sunburn is worth it I said chuckling. Oh yeah, we had some fun today that's for sure she said chuckling. I wrapped my arms back around her neck, pulling her a little closer.

I love you gorgeous I said smiling at her. I love you too sexy she said smiling before she gave me a kiss on the lips.

Ok, we should probably go take a shower one of us are starting to stink I said chuckling. In my defence I think my deodorant wore off she said chuckling.

I didn't even say it was you I said chuckling. But I know it is, I can smell me to she said chuckling. True I said chuckling.

Ok, let's go she said chuckling gently pulling me with her towards the bathroom. We grabbed everything we needed on the way, and sat it all down on the counters.

I shut the door locking it behind us. We quickly got undressed, jumping into the shower. Both of us started washing our bodies, getting all the sweat and sand off from a long day at the beach.

Once our bodies were clean, we moved into washing our hair. When I was just about done washing my hair, soap accidentally got in my eye.

Whatever you do don't open your eye Joey said, helping me wash it out carefully. How's that she asked. My eye still burns a little but I can open it I said.

That's an improvement, let's finish up and then you can rinse it in the sink she said. Good idea I said and we finished rinsing out our hair.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now