Chapter 1'954

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No problem she said, as I walked back towards the bedroom. Wow Jake said chuckling as I walked in. Yeah, we got a butt load of snacks to last all day I said chuckling. No kidding, at least if we're hungry we can snack too he said chuckling.

True i said chuckling as he took some of the containers off me to put into the diaper bag. It took us a few minutes to get everything packed in but we got there.

And we are all sorted Jake said chuckling. Did you put our wallets in I asked. Yep, wallets and phone chargers all packed into the bag Jake said.

Good, all that's left is to fill little miss's water bottle before we leave I said. And probably use the bathroom, little miss may need to go Jake said.

Wouldn't be surprised I said chuckling. Mama she said looking up from her toys. Yes baby I said. I itchy she said scratching her belly. You're itchy, come show mama I said.

She got up off the floor coming over to me. I lifted her little shirt, seen a mosquito bite on her belly. It's just a mosquito bite baby, mama knows how to fix this I said scooping her up.

How mama she asked. We are gonna get some ice and put it on your itchy for a few minutes. Oh she said, trying to figure out why. I'll find the bug repellent just in case Jake said chuckling.

Good idea I said chuckling, walking back out with Abby in my hip. As I walked into the kitchen Dianna was there sorting a few snacks for everyone else.

Everything ok she asked. Yeah, abby just has a mosquito bite that needs some ice I said. Oh dear, I thought something bit me a while ago she said.

Apparently it's getting everyone then I said chuckling, sitting Abby down on the counter. Looks that way, do you have any bug spray she asked.

Yeah, jakes trying to track it down just in case I said, wrapped some ice in a towel. I placed it on Abby's belly and she said it's cold mama.

I know baby, but it's helping isn't it I asked her. I don't know she said confused. Has your itchy calmed down princess Dianna's asked her.

Yeah Abby squealed. Then it's helping baby, just give it a few more minutes and you should feel a lot better I said. Ok mama she said sort of understanding.

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