Chapter 1'958

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She helped Abby blow her nose then passed her over to Jake. As she got up to wash her hands Auggie got mom's attention. Mom he said tapping her arm. Yes bud what is it she asked. I'm hungry, can I have a snack he asked.

You wanna snack, I'm sure we can make that happen she said. How about some gram crackers, Dianna said grabbing them off the counter.

Yes please he said happy. Here you are kiddo she said giving him a couple grams. Thank you he said immediately digging it.

Would little miss like some grams she asked Abby. Mama Abby said as Maya sat back down. Up to you baby girl Maya said.

Yes please auntie Dianna she said cutely. Here you go my dear, she said giving her a couple. Does anyone else want some before I put it away she asked.

I could go for a snack so why not Dallas said. Me too Paris said. Same we all said agreeing. Ok, here we go she said giving each of us a couple each.

Thank you we all said. You're welcome she said, going to put them away. You know what this reminds me of Dallas asked. What Demi asked confused.

S'mores she said chuckling. Oh yeah, we haven't made S'mores yet this summer Eddie said. Mama Abby said to Maya.

Yes baby she said. What's a snore Abby asked. S'more baby, and it's gram crackers with melted chocolate and marshmallow Jake said explaining it.

As he explained her little face lit up in excitement. Mama Abby said. Yes baby Maya said chuckling, kinda knowing what she was about to say.

I want S'more please Abby said cutely. Oh do you now Maya said chuckling. Uh huh Abby said giggling. How about tonight for dessert we can make some, how does that sound Dianna asked.

Yay Abby cheered excitedly. Happiest girl Shannon said chuckling. Yep Jake said chuckling. Is she gonna like it Lucas asked.

It's sugar, that's like asking if she'll like chocolate cake or cookies Maya said chuckling. It's true, little ones will never say no to a yummy treat mom said chuckling.

In this case especially if that treat has chocolate in it Sarah said chuckling. Well she is her mother's daughter Jake said chuckling, as Abby was munching away in his lap.

We might need to vacuum after this I said chuckling. In all fairness you give a toddler gram crackers, you're gonna have to expect this to happen Maya said chuckling. True Dianna said chuckling.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now