Chapter 1'938

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What show would you like baby I asked Abby. She thought about it for a moment then said Sofia.

Sofia the first, ok baby I said turning it on for her. There you go little miss I said passing it over to her.

Thank you mama she said, almost immediately zoning in on it. You're welcome princess I said, as I walked into the bathroom.

Everything ok Jake asked, as I walked in. Yeah, Abby is occupied watching Sofia the first.

Oh, it's a Sofia day he said chuckling, shutting the door just enough to give us some privacy.

Apparently so, I said chuckling as we quickly striped off. Once we were undressed, we both jumped into the shower.

We washed our bodies, getting rid of any dirty or sweat from the long night. When we were done, we hoped out and started drying off.

Obviously Jake had to help me with what I couldn't reach but we made it work. After we were all dried off, we started getting dressed for the day.

Both of us put on some boxers, then I put on a sports bra and some comfortable leggings along with a loose t-shirt.

Once we were both dressed, we moved onto skincare. We washed our faces, then moisturised and put on sunscreen just in case we went out at some point today.

After we finished, we moved onto brushing our teeth and doing our dental hygiene.

When we finished, all we had left to do was our hair. By the time I got through drying half of mine, Jake finished with his and decided to help me.

He pulled up my chair, telling me to have a seat and took over. While he was drying my hair, I opened the door a little bit more to check on Abby.

She happened to look up, right as I opened the door. Abby got up off the floor, her iPad in one hand and her lamb in the other.

She walked her little booty over to the bathroom and came in. Mama up please she said, holding her little arms up.

Ok, come here love bug I said picking her up and sitting her in my lap. Once she was comfortable I asked, are we still watching Sofia baby.

Yes mama she said, snuggling herself against me.
My snuggle bug, I said gently stroking her back with my free hand.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now