Chapter 1'926

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How's that Jake asked once he was finished. Good enough I said in between a yawning. I'll take it, now let's get your sleepy butt into bed he said chuckling, helping me up. Gladly I said chuckling, tiredly.

He grabbed the baby monitor and unlocked the bathroom door so we could walk out. Once we were back into the bedroom, I walked over to the bed, while Jake put the baby monitor away and hit the lights off.

When I got over to the bed, I had to carefully move my pregnancy pillow away from Abby before I can even attempt to lay down. She's currently cuddling it in her sleep so it might be a little difficult.

I went slow, untangling her tiny hands from it first, then rolling her little booty over so I could have some room to lay down. When I successfully did that without waking her up, I knew it was safe for me to lay down.

I made myself comfortable on my side of the bed, then took my pregnancy and placed it behind my back, between my knees and up around my bump.

Once I was sort, Abby rolled back over in her sleep right as Jake came over from hitting the lights off. Did she roll over he whispered, chuckling quietly.

Of course, I whispered chuckling quietly as I stroked her little back. He crawled into bed with us, quickly getting comfortable. Once he was, I moved over a little bit and laid my head down on his chest.

Are you comfortable baby he asked me quietly, when I finally stopped moving. Very I whispered smiling up at him. I love you gorgeous he whispered smiling down at me.

I love you too handsome I whispered smiling as he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. After a few moments of kissing we broke apart and I laid my head back down on his chest.

He started stroking my back gently, trying to help me fall asleep a little faster. And it was working, because within a few minutes I was starting to doze off.

I mumbled some sort of a night, night as I officially fell asleep for the night. I was completely out up until I felt some movement next to me.

I tiredly opened my eyes to see Abby looking at me. Baby, you ok I whispered. She shook her little head no. Come here baby I whispered and she moved a little closer.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now