Chapter 1'832

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Once Jake was up, we both carefully moved away from the bed. Jake gently wrapped his arms around my waist and asked quietly how are you feeling my love. I'm tired I said between a yawn.

I see that he said chuckling quietly. It's been a long day ok I said chuckling quietly, laying my head on his shoulder for a moment. Fair point, why don't we go have a shower before you do fall asleep he said chuckling quietly.

Ok I said yawning again. Let's go he said chuckling. He grabbed the baby monitor, and everything else we needed before gently leading me into the bathroom with him.

Once we were in the bathroom, he put everything down on the counter and shut the door locking it behind us. After it was locked we both got undressed, and jumped into the shower.

We started washing our bodies, getting all the sweat and sand off from the long day at the beach. Jake helped me with what I couldn't reach, but we made it work.

When our bodies were clean, we moved onto washing our hair. It took a little bit longer then planned to get all the dirt and sweat out but we eventually got there.

After the soap was all rinsed out of our hair, both of us were feeling a lot better. We relaxed under the water for a few more minutes, before hoping out of the shower.

We started drying off our bodies, Jake helping dry what I couldn't reach. Once we were both dried off we started getting dressed. Both of us put on boxers and I put a sports bra.

When we were both dressed in our pjs, we moved onto our skincare. We washed our faces, getting any dirt or sweat off from the long day. After our faces were clean, we moisturised our skin.

Do you need some more Aloe on your sunburn Jake asked me. Yes please I said and he put some where I was burned. There, how's that feel he asked me.

So much better, do you need any I asked. I don't think so, am I burned anywhere he asked turning around. Just the back of your neck like me I said chuckling.

Put some on then, I don't wanna deal with it hurting in the morning he said chuckling. Ok I said, putting some on for him. Feel better I asked. Much better thank you babe he said. Always I said as we washed our hands.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now