Chapter 1'883

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Want your lamb I asked Abby. Uh huh she said sleepy, as I gave it to her. Sleepy girl I said kissing her forehead quickly. Ok, let's get nice and cozy in bed so we can read Jake said bringing her over to our bed.

He laid her down first, tucking her in before laying next her over the covers. I listened to him read, while I started sorting a few of her toys into the storage box's.

after a good five minutes, I could hear little snores coming from the bed. Is she asleep I asked quietly. She's fast asleep Jake whispered, carefully getting up from the bed without waking her.

He grabbed my pregnancy pillow, and put it around her just to keep Abby from rolling off the bed. Once she was set, he kissed her little forehead before coming over to me.

One sick toddler down for a much needed nap, check Jake said playfully smiling at me. Poor baby crashed hard I said looking at her.

I know, I got halfway through the story and she was basically out Jake said. That just proves she was in need of a nap I said chuckling quietly.

Yep Jake said chuckling. He passed me the book back, and continued looking for any dirty laundry he might have missed earlier.

After another ten minutes, I finished cleaning up all Abby's toys into the bins and her books in a separate one.

Already the room was looking so much cleaner, and we could actually move without stepping on something. Babe, do you think the floor could use a vacuum Jake asked.

Honestly, it wouldn't hurt I said. Ok, I'll got track down the vacuum Jake said, walking out of the room. He came back after a few minutes with the vacuum. Now you gotta find where you can plug it in I said chuckling.

Yep, that's the tricky part he said chuckling. Just unplug one of the chargers I said chuckling. Ok, saves me looking he said chuckling.

He swapped the plugs and quickly started vacuuming the floor. I stayed out of the way and let him do it quickly. Once he was done, he turned off the vacuum and sat it aside.

And just like that, we have a basically fresh room Jake said. It's so clean in here I said chuckling. I know, we definitely had to do this Jake said chuckling. Yeah we did I said chuckling.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now