Chapter 1'941

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Do you need to go potty I asked Abby, before I started getting her dressed. Yes mama she said, doing a little potty dance.

Ok, let's go baby I said, scooping her up and bringing her back into the bathroom. I sat her straight in the toilet so she could do her business, shutting the door a little behind me just to give her some privacy.

Once she was done, I cleaned her up and helped her off. I flush now mama she asked. Yes, go flush baby I said and she did it.

Now we wash our hands Abby said. That we do big girl, I said scooping her up and bringing her over to the sink.

I washed both our hands with soap, putting Abby down for a second so I could dry our hands. Mama Abby said. Yes baby I asked her.

I'm cold she said, smooshing her little body against my legs. Come here baby, I said scooping her back up into my arms.

Let's get you dressed baby I said, bringing her back out to the bedroom. I sat her down on the ground and grabbed her underwear. I do it mama Abby said, insisting on putting them on herself.

Ok, you do it baby I said letting her. Once she got her underwear up, I grabbed the sunscreen and quickly put it all over her little body. Just in case we went outside at some point today.

After a few minutes I was done and grabbed her pants. I helped Abby get her legs in the right holes, then she insisted on pulling them up herself.

Ok, you got it baby I said, letting her do it. Once she got them up most of the way she said I did it mama.

Yeah you did, mama help you just a little bit, I said fixing them up over her booty. There we go, now time for your shirt baby I said, putting it over her head.

I do it mama, she said. Ok, put your arms through baby I said. As she did it, she cheered I did it mama.

You did, good job baby I said. Now what mama she asked. Now we go and brush these teeth I said. Ok mama she said as I scooped her up, bringing her back into the bathroom with me.

I sat Abby down on the counter and grabbed her toothbrush. I put some toothpaste on it, ran it under water then told her to open.

She did and I was able to quickly brush all of teeth. Once I was done, she was very insistent on having a turn so I let her go for a moment.

After a little bit, I took her toothbrush away and gave her a cup to rinse. While she was rising her mouth, I rinsed her toothbrush and put it away.

As she spat out the water in her mouth, I grabbed a towel and wiped her face clean. I stuck mama she said pointing at her chin. I see baby, you have a little toothpaste still on your chin I said, wiping it off.

Oh she said, understanding. When I was done, she asked now what mama. Now we put some sunscreen on this beautiful little face of yours I said, grabbing it off the counter.

Why mama she asked. Because we need to protect this skin, otherwise we get an ouchie that isn't very comfortable I said.

Oh, she said kinda understanding. Once I was done, I put the sunscreen away and washed my hands. All done mama she asked.

Yes baby all done. Would you like to go play for a little while I asked her. Yes mama she said excited. Ok, go play baby I said helping her off the counter.

She ran out of the room and right over to her toys on the floor. I followed her out, joining Jake on the bed while we waited for everyone else to get ready for the day.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now