Chapter 1'948

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What did you pull out mom Dallas asked Dianna. Also escape room she said chuckling. Ok how many of y'all wrote down escape room Demi said chuckling.

Half of us raised our hands in response. Really Jake said chuckling to me. In all fairness I thought I would be the only one I said chuckling.

Apparently not Shannon said chuckling. Ok, the other ones are museum of ice cream, the friend's experience, Jane's carousel, or museum of broadway Cory said checking them all.

We can probably do a few of these today mom said. Well we've narrowed down the escape room being one, how many people wanna do the friends thing Eddie asked.

A lot of us older ones raised our hands. Ok that'll probably be the second and the carousel can maybe be last Eddie suggested.

Sounds like a plan, though we might need to find something fun for the little ones while you're in the escape room Topanga said.

I know there's a little play museum close by one of the escape room places we can do that for the littles I said. Problem solved then Dianna said.

Before we do any of that, someone needs to make an appointment for farkle Ceci said and he groaned.

You're going even if I have to drag you she said back. Yes ma'am he said knowing better than to argue.

Go get ready, I'll make you an appointment Topanga said. Ok, let's got farkle Cory said getting up from the table.

Fine he said, getting up and they both went back to there room to get some shoes on. Meanwhile Topanga walked into the kitchen for some quiet and gave Nathan a call.

By the time both boys came back out, she had made the appointment. So Cory asked. He can fit you guys in within about 20 minutes if you leave now she said. Ok, let's go bud Cory said grabbing some car keys before heading out.

You're not gonna go with Paris asked Ceci. If I go with he'll be bore dramatic about it she said chuckling. He really doesn't like the doctors does he I said chuckling.

He calls them germ infect sinkholes she said chuckling. Wow, he's not wrong but wow Dallas said chuckling. He gets it from his father, when we were kids you would physically have to take the hand sanitiser from his hands Topanga said chuckling.

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