Chapter 1'921

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Once I was done, I finished getting Abby into her pjs. I got her pj pants on first and then her shirt. There we go, nice and warm I said. Mama Abby said.

I know baby, mama's way ahead of you I said grabbing a tissue so she could blow her nose. How's that I asked when she was finished.

Better mama she said, while I threw it away and washed my hands. That's good, now let's get this hair dry I said scooping her up and bringing her over to the counter.

I sat her down and grabbed my hair dryer. I added a little heat protection to her hair and got to work drying it.

It took me a few minutes to completely dry her hair, and brush all the tangles out but I got there in the end. All done mama she asked.

Almost baby, I said tying her hair back in a quick messy bun. By the time I was done, Jake came to the doorway with some medicine for Abby.

Is the little princess ready for some Tylenol he asked. I think we are, Abby can you take your medicine like a big girls I asked her.

Ok mama she said. There's our girl, open up Jake said as he put the syringe into her mouth. She did as he asked and Jake was able to give Abby her medicine.

There we go, all done Jake said. I did it mama she said excited. Yeah you did, now we need to get these teeth brushed I said, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste.

Ok she said as I got it ready for her. Open up baby I said and she did. I started brushing her teeth, making sure to get them all nice and clean.

Once I was done, she wanted to have a turn so I let her brush for a moment. Ok baby, time to rinse I said taking it away and giving her some water.

She rinsed her little mouth out while I put her toothbrush away. All done mama she said once she was finished.

Good job baby girl, I said wiping her face clean from the toothpaste. Now what mama she asked.

Now we put some moisturiser in this little face I said, doing it quickly. When I was done, I put the smallest amount of Vaseline under her little nose.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now