Chapter 1'845

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Abby would you like to watch a show baby I asked her. Yes please mama she said looking up at me. What do you wanna watch baby I asked her. She thought about it for a minute, and then asked for Blues clues.

Blue clues, ok here you go baby I said putting it on for her. Thank you mama she said, making herself comfortable to watch her show. You're welcome baby I said walking into the bathroom where Jake was.

Ready to shower Jake asked as I shut the door a little bit. Yeah, Abby's watching a show I said. I'm
Gonna guess blues clues Jake asked chuckling. Of course, her favourite thing right now I said chuckling.

That's our girl Jake said chuckling, as we started getting undressed. Yeah it is I said chuckling. Once we were undressed, we jumped into the shower and started washing our bodies, getting all the sweat off from the long night.

When we were nice and clean, we hoped out of the shower and started drying off. Jake obviously had to help me with what I couldn't reach but we made it work.

After we were dried off, we started getting dressed. Both of us put on boxers and I put on a sports bra. I also put on a loose sundress that Jake had found for me. Once we were both dressed, we moved onto doing our skincare.

We washed our faces, getting all the sweat off from the long night. Then we moisturised our skin. After we were done, all we had left to do was put sunscreen on.

When we were done with our skincare, we moved onto brushing our teeth and doing our dental hygiene.

Once our teeth were nice and clean, all we had left to do was dry our hair and brush out the knots. By the time I got halfway through mine, Jake finished with his.

So he pulled up my chair and told me to have a seat. I did what I was told, and he took over drying my hair and brushing out all the knots.

While he did my hair, I opened the bathroom door a little more so I could check on Abby. She saw me, got her little booty up and started coming over.

She has her iPad in one hand and her lamb in the other. Mama Abby said running into the room. Hey baby girl I said picking her up, and sitting her in my lat.

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