Chapter 1'869

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I'm not even gonna ask who else is hiding in here Paris said chuckling. Dallas open the closet door, having a look inside only to find the cat taking a nap. Is anyone in there Dianna asked.

It's just Chloe taking a nap Dallas said chuckling. Now you understand what I mean by occupied Madison said chuckling. The weird places cats fall asleep mom said chuckling.

She meowed, so Dallas said sorry and shut the door. She's telling you to leave her be Paris said chuckling. I know, that's why I shut the door Dallas said chuckling.

Let's see if anyone is hiding in the bathroom now I said chuckling. Ok she said chuckling. Dallas opened the door, poking her head in before she walked in.

She looked in the bathtub, shower and even the cabinets finding someone underneath the sink. Seriously, what is with you people and hiding under sinks Dallas said chuckling.

Who is it I asked. Hello jack said poking his head out. Now that's not surprising Paris said chuckling. Nope Maya said chuckling. Well that's 2 boys down and what 7 girls Dianna said.

Yeah, and a heck of a lot more to go mom said chuckling. Ok, let's keep going before everyone ends up hiding all day Madison said.

Let's go smackle said and we all walked out of Paris and jacks room. Once we were all back into the hallway, we moved I onto the next room. Which happens to be Kelli and Tyler's room.

Dallas opened the door, poking her head in first before letting us all in. As we walked in, we looked around but couldn't see anything at first glance.

But as we moved more into the middle of the room, we could see some movement from behind the curtain. Momma Auggie said pointing. Go get them Auggie mom said quietly.

He ran over and opened the curtain to reveal Sarah. Uh oh looks like I'm busted she said chuckling.

Dude, are you eating a popsicle Maya said chuckling. I got hot standing there she said chuckling. How did we not catch you getting it I said chuckling.

Because I'm sneaky she said giggling. And hoped up in sugar mom said chuckling. Yep Paris said chuckling.

While we were talking, Dallas was looking in the closet and the bathroom seeing if anyone else was hiding in the room. When she came back Dianna asked, did you find anyone. No, not this time Dallas said.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now