Chapter 1'864

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We all finished eating our donuts, and mom asked is everyone full for now. Yeah we all said. Let's save the rest for later, how about we clean up all the dirty dishes now Dianna said.

Ok, we all said getting up. We took our dirty over to the dishwasher, and cleaned up any mess we made. How are we gonna clean up miss sticky Jake asked chuckling.

Oh yeah because of the no water Kelli said chuckling. Let's just use a couple wipes, that'll have to do Maya said. I grab them for you Sarah said, going to there room to grab some.

She came back a few minutes later, and passed the wipes over to Maya. Thank you she said taking the packet, and grabbing a couple out.

She wiped Abby's hands first, and then cleaned up her little face. There we go, nice and clean Maya said kissing her face, before putting her down on the ground.

Abby as usual ran over to her dada, and scared him this time. Ah, you cheeky little monkey come here Jake said chuckling acting like he was scared for her.

He chased her around the kitchen table and she was all giggles when he scooped her up. Same behaviour, even when we're not feeling good Dianna said chuckling.

Of course Maya said chuckling, as she threw away the dirty wipes into the trash. Can I borrow a few of those mom asked. Yeah go ahead, we've got plenty of wipes Maya said.

Thank you mom said taking a couple to clean Auggie face and hands. Would anyone else like a wipe, or maybe some hand sanitiser just until we can actually wash our hands Shannon asked.

Yes please a lot of us said taking some hand sanitiser. Ok, now that all our hands are clean what are we gonna do Dallas asked. Well, we have no electricity or water for a start dad said.

Maybe some art or maybe we can play a game Madison suggested. That's not a bad idea Paris said. I have an idea, why don't we play hide and seek Sarah said.

Yeah a lot of us said agreeing. Ok, hide and seek it is but let's make some ground rules dad said. Rule one should be no hiding in dangerous places like the washing machine or dryer mom said looking at dad. Ok I did that when I was 11 dad said chuckling.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now