Chapter 1'908

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Ten minutes into us playing crazy 8s, Farkle looked a little confused. What's that face for I asked. I felt something just smack me in the head he said pointing up.

Uh oh I said, looking. Topanga I yelled getting her attention. What she said, before wiping her face. Never mind I got it she said understanding.

It's starting to rain guys, let's start heading inside Dianna yelled do everyone could hear her. Let's go Corey said to all the boys as they came off the grass.

I'm gonna go make sure the girls know Eddie said, walking over to the basketball courts. Mama Abby said running over to me, looking a little nervous.

It's okay baby, it's just water I said. Really she asked. Yeah, we just don't want you getting sicker ok I said. Ok she said understanding now. Let's go inside and play I said scooping her up.

Ok mama she said as I walked inside with her on my hip. After a few minutes everyone was finally in the house, just in time for it to start pouring down.

I think that was perfect timing Shannon said chuckling. Thank farkle, he actually felt it first I said chuckling. Yeah, it literally smacked me in the head he said chuckling.

Everyone wash your hands before you touch anything Dianna said. Yes ma'am we all said, doing as we were told.

Of course the second I put Abby down from washing her hands, she ran over to Jake and wiped her wet hands on him.

Oi you cheeky little monkey he said chuckling, scooping her up and tickling her belly. Dada she squealed, giggling.

Seems like little lady is feeling better Sarah said. Apart from being I little snotty, I think she's feeling a lot better at least right now I said.

Hopefully once she takes another dose of medicine she'll feel a lot better Paris said. Let's hope so Kelli said.

Has everyone washed their hands Dianna asked. Yes we all said. In that case, who would like a snack to tie you over until dinner Eddie asked.

Me all of us said in unison. Grate, what options do we have aside from the donuts of course Topanga said.

We could do a plater of food Dallas said. That's not a bad idea, we could put a few different options on so everyone is happy Dianna said. Looks like we figured out what to do then Cory said.

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