Chapter 1'943

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What do you think I asked Joey about my hair. I like it, what about me she asked. It works, I think we are just about done aside from hairspray I said.

Let's get it done she said grabbing the hairspray. She sprayed my hair first, then I grabbed it and did her.

And we are done she said chuckling. Let's go I said chuckling, opening the bathroom door so we could walk out.

As we walked back into the bedroom, the first thing we did was quickly make our bed. When we finished Joey said, all I wanna do is jump on this now.

Don't you dare I said chuckling. Watch me she said chuckling, doing exactly that. You're fixing that up I said chuckling.

I know, just had to get it out of my system she said chuckling, rolling around knocking down more pillows.

Ok, getting your behind off the bed I said playfully smacking her booty. Fine she said going to get off but accidentally rolling off the bed.

Are you ok I said chuckling. Ow, but yes she said chuckling. Dork I said chuckling. She just stuck her tongue out at me in response.

Let's fix the pillows back up I said. Find she said and helped me pick up all the ones she knocked onto the floor.

Once we finished tidying up our bed, we sat down on it. Wanna read a little bit while we wait Joey asked.

Sure, I suppose it's better then sitting here board I said chuckling. She grabbed our book sat down next to me with it as we started reading.

After what seemed like five minutes, a pillow suddenly smacked us both in the head. What the heck I said, looking up at Sarah.

What had to get your attention somehow she said chuckling. And hey guys wouldn't have worked Joey asked chuckling.

Please, have you met her Kelli said chuckling. Fair point I said chuckling. Anyway, are you girls ready for the day mom asked us.

Yes we both said. Let's go then dad said.
Ok we both said, getting up. I put our book away and everyone started walking out of the room.

We followed behind them, finally all making it out into the hallway after a moment.

Once we were all out, Sarah walked over to the next door which happened to be Maya and jakes.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now