Chapter 1'898

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After a few minutes they were completely done cleaning their room. Wow, I didn't know how clean this room could get dad said chuckling. The boys have finally finished Kelli said chuckling.

We promise it will never get this bad again Lucas said. Boys I would love to believe you, but I've heard that story a thousand times Dianna said chuckling.

Yeah I wonder why Madison said looking at Demi. Dallas's room was always worse than mine though Demi said chuckling.

Please when you were 16 there was always something growing mould in your room Dallas said chuckling.

Yeah, it's called wet towels Eddie said, chuckling as he walked past. Moving on, who still needs the vacuum mom asked. I do Madison said. Same Dallas said.

Here take it, I'm finished Tyler said passing it over. Thank you, Madison said taking it. Maya followed behind, going to get Abby out of the way so Madison could do it.

What are you reading little miss dad asked her. It's an animal book, Abby is currently mesmerised by it Jake said chuckling. Our little animal lover Sarah said chuckling.

That she gets from you Shannon said chuckling. Yep Maya said chuckling. Don't you love animals mom asked Maya.

I do, but I've never known random facts like Sarah, Maya said. It's true, she can say random facts about almost any animal Kelli said chuckling.

Why farkle asked chuckling. I had an animal faze as a little kid, ended up learning a few dozen facts about every animal possible she said chuckling. Fair enough Dianna said chuckling.

Mama Abby said getting Mayas attention. Yes baby Maya asked her. Ouchie she said pointing at her nose. Oh I see, we need to blow this nose Maya said.

I'll grab you a tissue dad said getting the box from the hallway. Thank you Maya said grabbing a few, helping Abby blow her little nose.

There we go how's that, Maya asked when she was finished. Better mama Abby said. That's good Maya said, going to throw the tissue away and wash her hands.

As she came back, Madison was finished with the vacuum and gave it to Dallas. Thank you she said taking it off her, and bringing it into her own room.

And just like that, the house has had a complete reset Dianna said. I wonder how long it's gonna actually stay clean Shannon said chuckling.

Knowing us, probably less than a day Paris said chuckling. Yeah, that sounds about right mom said chuckling.

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